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Health & Wellness

Amy Macechko


Welcome to the Talawanda School District. I am Amy Macechko, Health and Wellness Coordinator, for the district. I work in partnership with the Coalition for a Healthy Community-Oxford Area to coordinate programming and resources to help ensure the health and safety of our Talawanda youth.  Through program, practice, and policy we strive to minimize the non-academic barriers to student learning for all students.  The Talawanda and greater-Oxford community collaboratively work to strengthen these programs and initiatives. We are thankful to our community partners in the law enforcement, city, faith-based, medical, civic, and University sectors who play such a significant role in the success of our program.

The Mission of the Talawanda School District Health & Wellness Program:

  • Address the health and well-being of the “whole” child 
  • Create a transparent and synergistic system that removes barriers to academic achievement 
  • Develop individual support mechanisms and connections to resources throughout the community, county and state
  • Engage the community in intentional asset-building initiatives 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 513.273.3390. Thank you for your support!

KNOW! About Vaping - Follow this LINK to learn more about vaping and how to have conversations about vaping cessation.

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