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TMS- Grade 6 Science Unit- Learning About Soil

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TMS- Grade 6 Science Unit- Learning About Soil

Oct 20, 2023

The 6th grade Science and Explorations of Technology classes are currently learning about soils.  On Tuesday, Sept. 26h, we had Lynn White from Butler County Soil and Water Conservation District come to the Technology classes.  She reviewed Ohio’s soil with students along with providing a hands-on experience for students to better understand soil structure and soil types.  We had the chance to use a compaction measuring tool and found that the soil in our prairie area was not as compacted as our playground areas.  Some students had the chance to get their hands dirty and try to figure out the soil type using a flow chart.  


Bill Haders, Manager of Market Activation at 80 Acre Farms, visited our TECH classes to discuss hydroponics.  He also provided students with the chance to taste hydroponically grown lettuce.  


In the Science classes, students were able to go through the soil truck to learn more about soils with instruction from their teachers. The Talawanda High School Soil team will be visiting the sixth grade science classrooms next week to talk more about soil composition, texture and slope and to show what it means to be a member of the soil team. In addition, students will use soil that they have collected from different areas around the community to conduct an experiment to see which soils grow the best plants starting from a seed.

Nora K. inside the tunnel of the Soil Trailer.

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