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Letter from Dr. Theroux- October 2024

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Letter from Dr. Theroux- October 2024

Oct 8, 2024

October 8 , 2024


Talawanda Families,


I am writing today to discuss the importance of safety and security in the Talawanda School District. More importantly…I am also writing today to ask for the help of all parents in the Talawanda community!


Recently the community and district have experienced an increase in the number of disciplinary issues regarding student-on-student threats of violence during both school hours and after school hours.  In addition, the district has experienced threats of mass violence at individual school buildings.  In each instance, mobile phone activity and social media are primary factors.  Everyone understands that young people can be impulsive, sometimes seeking attention of any kind, or even acting out of defense (even though threats of violence are NEVER the appropriate response).  We all must work together now to reduce these behaviors.  The district has resources to assist with the social/emotional needs of students, so please do reach out if you know your student needs additional support.  Communication from home to school is important.  The district can only help families if they know when students are struggling.


The district has made sure that all Talawanda families have been alerted to the new law in Ohio regarding mobile phones/personal communication devices that prohibits these communication devices from being out during the school day, and certainly prohibits their use during class time at school.  What does this mean?  This means that young people are mostly using their phones/devices during times outside of the school day.  Together, we must take more leadership and responsibility for students' understanding of the serious consequences of misusing their mobile communication devices and social media accounts.  We must teach and remind our children about appropriate ways to behave and respect our schools, teachers, administrators, other school staff, and last but certainly not least their fellow students.  We must all work together for the goal of safety and harmony in our schools.


During the past several years the school district has been under fire repeatedly by critics who do not walk in the shoes of our administration and teaching staff.  These folks do not know or understand the care the Talawanda staff provides to students and the deep commitment and responsibility they feel towards these young people.  Every single member of the Talawanda team has mentally practiced, as well as literally practiced, in a wide variety of safety training, exercises, and drills to know how and what they will do to keep their students and team safe in emergencies.  This…in addition to teaching, mentoring, coaching, and being there for the young people of this community every day!  They focus on the best ways to keep students engaged and learning…and also safe!  It is important to share what we do and how we operate as some simply do not know. The Talawanda team needs your support now.  We have seen an unprecedented number of threatening comments on social media postings, and a general spread of violence and hate.


It is critical at this point that students and parents understand the gravity of these situations and the consequences that can be life-altering!  Statements such as "they are just kids, they were joking, they were angry, or they do not know what they were saying” have been made in response to a series of inappropriate comments, postings, and actions. In modern times this just won’t cut it!  All threats are taken very seriously, thoroughly investigated, and dealt with according to policy and the law.  


TSD families and community members need to know and understand that at any time when one of our schools is dealing with an issue that involves safety and security, the school and students will be secured first!  Communication will come as quickly as possible, but likely not until after the issue has passed and is being resolved.  It takes time to investigate and understand the facts.  Often, posts on social media share information that lacks details and facts before the completion of an investigation.  This frequently induces panic in the community as well as impedes the investigation process.  It is important to let the experts do their work.  Parents/family members can trust that the district ALWAYS communicates with the parents/guardians of students involved in a dispute or disciplinary issue first, before determining if the event warrants communication to the other parents in the school and or district.  It is imperative that district officials have the time to do their work and investigate.  TSD asks for your patience and cooperation with this.


The district has communicated repeatedly that student disciplinary information is confidential, and no one has the right to review any confidential student information for children that they ARE NOT the parent/guardian of.  We cannot emphasize the critical nature of maintaining student confidentiality enough!  Please remember it takes time to conduct an investigation and to contact all of the students/families involved.  The district wants to be thorough and accurate, and please know we take the time to be fair to all of our students.  We understand that every parent wants respect, honesty, and justice.  Please think about how you would feel if someone posted a rumor about your own child before you post things on social media that you do not have all of the facts of.


Please…please…take some time to talk with your children about recent events here in our community and across the country.  Emphasize the importance of respecting others.  Share information about the serious consequences of making a threat or pulling pranks that present as a threat.  Please know and share that hate has no place in our schools.  Comments, postings, and inappropriate behaviors that interfere or disrupt the learning environment or may be a safety concern will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.  School Resource Officers and potentially local law enforcement will be involved in behaviors that present as a threat.  We need students to know and understand that in these modern times, the school administration and staff have to take threatening conduct seriously.  It’s important to prevent a major crisis from occurring in this community!


Together we can support all of our young people on their educational journey, maturation, and ultimately successfully graduating from Talawanda High School.  The district is providing fantastic educational experiences for every student, so please help us to be able to continue this work with fewer distractions and with safety in mind. We have amazing students!  We have amazing support from TSD families. We need you to help STOP these crazy and unprecedented threats, displays of anger, hatred, and code of conduct violations by talking to and reminding your children about the expectations for their behavior both at school and in the community. 


Please understand that this letter is not meant to point fingers or judge.  The intent is to make parents/family members aware so that we may work together and solve issues before they become problems.  There have been too many disciplinary inventions and consequences resulting in lost educational opportunities this school year.  We know that parents/family members are the most influential people in a child’s life.  Please support the district in these endeavors so that students can be fully engaged and can take advantage of the many great opportunities available in Talawanda School District.


In closing, I would like to personally thank all of the parents/family members and students who have stepped up in the past and who follow the TSD motto of “See Something…Say Something”.  Please continue to speak up.  Encourage students to seek out a trusted adult.   We know it takes courage to speak up.  Thank you for your cooperation and support in making this a fantastic community to live, work, and go to school in!  Let’s change this narrative together!  THANK YOU!


In Education,

Dr. Edward Theroux

Talawanda Superintendent

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