School Counseling
Elementary School Counseling:
The elementary counselors are dedicated to Educate and Prepare Students for Life! The counselors support students, families, faculty and staff to empower our students to be successful academically, socially and emotionally.
Bogan: Heather Heidel 513-273-3451
Kramer: Robin Durham 513-273-3553
Marshall: Teresa Peter 513-273-3628
What does the school counselor do?
- Conduct biweekly Social Emotional lessons through the Second Step Program (see below) in each classroom
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Collaborates with teachers, parents and staff
- Consults and makes referrals to outside agencies to ensure all students’ needs are being met.
The Second Step program teachers skills in the following four areas:
- Skills for Learning: Students gain skills to help themselves learn, including how to focus their attention, listen carefully, use self-talk, stay on task, and be assertive when asking for help with school work.
- Empathy: Students learn to identify and understand their own and each others' feelings. Students also learn how to take another's perspective and how to show compassion.
- Emotion Management: Students learn specific skills for calming down when experiencing strong feelings, such as anxiety or anger.
- Problem Solving: Students learn a process for solving problems with others in a positive way.