Marshall Enews 8/18/23

Marshall Enews 8/18/23
School News and Information
Happy Friday! We had an excellent first week and hope you did to. The 2nd through 5th-grade students had a great start to the school year. It was fun to go in and out of the classrooms meeting all of the students. The students are learning the routines, establishing our PAX visions, and we’ve already seen some great lessons!
We are looking forward to our kindergarten and 1st-grade students joining us on Monday.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
To help with traffic flow, we are asking families to only make right turns out of Marshall. Thank you for your help in getting our students home safely and as quickly as possible.
Preschool students will be starting next week. Preschool parents will park and walk their child to the preschool classroom entrance. Please be on the lookout for preschool students and their parents crossing.
EZ Pay Link & QR Code
Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees? Pay here:
Saturday Art
Saturday Art is for students age 4 years to adult. You can learn creative projects and no experience required. Saturday Art
Search for Swoop Community Activity
Miami Athletics and Ohio529 are excited to partner to bring a fun, new and FREE activity to Oxford for the next few weeks!
Swoop is hiding in 15 local spots and we need you to help find him! The scavenger hunt board can be printed below along with the instructions.
This fun activity will take place through September 4 and is open to anyone to participate! Participants who are in the 8th grade or younger who find 10 hidden Swoops will receive a complimentary ticket to the Miami Football game on Saturday, Sept. 23. Anyone 8th grade or younger who finds ALL 15 hidden Swoops will receive a ticket AND be eligible into the prize drawing, which includes a $529 college savings award!
Download your scavenger hunt board and the participant instructions below!
Scavenger Hunt Board-
A big THANK YOU to our participating businesses:
Taco Bell, Mercy Health- Oxford, Skyline Chili, Koenig Equipment, Century21, Kroger, Enjoy Oxford, Rapid Fired Pizza, LaRosa's, Imfeld's Nursery, Brick & Ivy, Prime at Oxford, E&H Ace Hardware and Red Brick Lounge!
Scavenger hunt boards are to be turned in by end of day on Tuesday, Sept. 5 to be eligible to receive your complimentary ticket and be entered into the prize drawing!
2023-2024 Calendar
August 22 - K-3 Student Safety Training on AM Buses
August 23 - Taiwanese performers - All School Assembly
August 23 - September 6 - PTG Fall Flower Sale
September 1 - PD Day - NO SCHOOL
September 4 - Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
September 5 - Data Day - NO SCHOOL
September 11 - Picture Day
September 11 - PTG Meeting @ 7:00pm
October 7 - PTG Fall Flower Sale Delivery Day
October 9 - Marshall Monday (Wear your Marshall Spirit Wear)
October 17 & 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 7 & 12- Parent/Teacher Conferences
Stephanie Jones
Educating and preparing students for life!
In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.