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Marshall Enews 3/15/24

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Marshall Enews 3/15/24

Mar 15, 2024

Marshall E-news 3/15/24

School News and Information

Happy Friday, it’s been a great week! We had an awesome concert by 1st grade last night! A huge thank you to Mr. Menezes and the 1st graders! Reminder: No School for students on Tuesday, March 19th!



Yearbook orders are open!  Order at  

Yearbook ID Code: 7397824 - Orders must be placed online


Right to Read Week - MARCH 18-22


Marshall March Madness: 

All 3rd-5th graders are invited to compete in Marshall March Madness next week March 18-March 22.  Students can arrive at school at 7:30 entering through the gym doors.  Students will divide into teams and compete in bracket play to determine the ultimate winner.  Students will be sent to class or breakfast at 8:10. Come one day or all! 


Monday: Team Handball 

Tuesday (No School) 

Wednesday: Basketball 

Thursday: Floor Hockey 

Friday: Dodgeball 


News from PTG


Our Spring flower sale is happening now! We’ve extended the sale through March 20th! We are selling a variety of spring and summer flowers! Be sure to look at the flyer that came home and check your email for links to view and purchase from the sale. All proceeds support Marshall PTG, which goes back to support our students and staff! 

spring fling

Marshall Elementary's PTG is hosting a Family Spring Fling Dance!


There will be a DJ, dancing, a photo selfie station, family games, spring craft center, spring raffle basket, snacks, and drinks! Bring the whole family and plan for a great evening!

The Spring Fling Dance will be held at Marshall on Saturday, April 13, 2024, 6:00-8:00pm.


We will need a few items to help make the event a success!!!

Please check out the link: Spring Fling or our QR code above to see what is still needed.

Thank you for supporting this fun event and for supporting Marshall PTG!


Gentle Reminder: The Spring Fling Dance Presale Ticket Order Form deadline is THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 2024. If you have misplaced your order form, no worries…  we have provided an attachment with the form below!



We need volunteers to run the RAH cart. Click Here to sign up for a spot to help our students shop the RAH cart.

Every Friday  (Thursday when there is no school on Friday) is RAH cart dates. Students who bring in a RAH recording sheet can get a prize from the cart. Special prizes for students who get in the 100, 500, or 1,000 RAH club! Keep Reading At Home!!

Click Here for a RAH recording sheet. Here are our RAH dates for the rest of the year:

Friday, Apr. 5

Friday, Apr. 12

Friday, Apr. 19

Friday, Apr. 26

Friday, May 3 (last day of RAH this year!)


Kindergarten Information

Do you have or know of a child who will be 5 by 8/1/24? Please have them call the Marshall office to get registered for Kindergarten and to attend on 4/11/24.

fresh air

Fresh Air Fair


Age Friendly Oxford Survey

Please consider providing feedback to the Age Friendly Oxford Group.

Survey LINK

girl scouts

Girl Scout Adventure Night

Student Services Information- Mrs. Aerni

Click HERE for all upcoming local events through the Student Services Department 


Visit the Talawanda Student Services page to see all upcoming local events!



THS Drama Department- A Year with Frog and Toad

Our drama students (high school and middle school) will present A Year With Frog and Toad at the high school PAC on March 16th and 17th at 7 pm and on Sunday the 17th at 2 pm.  This musical is based on Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad books. 


If we can spread the news to the elementary schools that would be great. If you could add this to your e-newsletter that would be greatly appreciated. Tickets are $5 for kids up to 10, and $8 for kids and adults over 10.


SAY Soccer

Oxford SAY Soccer- Register Online January 1- March 15th.


Community Events & Activities Designed for Kids and Families:


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances

National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances


Oxford Parks and Rec

Check out the Oxford Parks & Recreation Summer Activities Guide  HERE


Attendance Reminder! 


Before 8:30 a.m. on the day of absence, a parent/guardian should call the Attendance line, Marshall Office at 513-273-3600, to report a student absent from school. This line is available 24 hours a day. If a parent has called the Attendance line, a written note WILL NOT be necessary. If a call has not been received, the Office will begin making home phone calls to missing students by 9:30 a.m. in compliance with the Missing Child Act. Students who have not been called in and wish to have his/her absence excused MUST, within 5 school days, present a note stating the date(s) of absence, reason of absence, and parent/guardian signature. Parents may excuse their child for a total of TEN days each school year. After TEN days of parent excuses, all absences will be considered UNEXCUSED unless supported by a doctor's note. Vacation days may be excused as part of the 10 total Parent notes.


Marshall Cafeteria 

Marshall Breakfast Menu

Marshall Lunch Menu


EZ Pay Link 


Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees?  Please contact the office if you need your child’s student ID number. 

EZ Pay


Talawanda Job Postings


Talawanda Booster Bash and Baseball Information

Talawanda Winter Booster Bash

Talawanda Baseball Corporate Sponsorship

Talawanda Baseball Information


2023-2024 Calendar

March 18 - 22 - RIGHT TO READ WEEK

March 19 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Data Day

March 22 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

March 25-April 1- Spring Break


April 8- Data Day


April 11 - Kindergarten Registration 

April 15 - Spring Fling Dance @ 6:00 pm

April 16 - 4th Grade Concert @ 7:00pm

April 18 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

May 6 -  Data Day

May 7 - PD Day

May 8 - Marshall Picnic Day

May 9 - Touch A Truck

May 9 - 5th Grade Concert @ 7:00pm

May 10 - Marshall Mile

May 17 - May Fest

May 17 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

May 21 - Field Day

May 22 - 5th Grade end year celebration @ 8:45 - 9:45

May 23- Last Day of School


Have a great, safe, weekend!


Stephanie Jones




Educating and preparing students for life!


In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.


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