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Marshall Enews 11/3/2023

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Marshall Enews 11/3/2023

Nov 3, 2023

Marshall E-news 11/3/2023

School News and Information

Happy Friday!  It was awesome to see so many people here for our annual Halloween parade! Thanks for your patience as we released lots of students early Tuesday! 

We want to remind you that Tuesday November 7th is a Data Day for staff, no school for students! 

As the weather starts to get cooler, please send in a sweatshirt or coat with your child. Some grades have a recess in the morning when it is pretty chilly out still.  Please label coats with your child’s name. We have seen an increase in items in our Lost and Found. If your child is missing something, please come check out the Lost and Found. 


Daily Start Time

We believe that excellent attendance is vital to a successful school experience and that students learn best when they are in school, on time, and participating in the day to day activities that compromise their entire school day. We open the doors at 7:40 for students to enter the building and our day begins at 8:00. We realize at times there can be lots of traffic. Please plan for this and have your child in the building before the 8:00 a.m. bell. Students who arrive after 8:00 will be marked as tardy. Thank you for your help in ensuring a great start to the school day!


World Languge Program 2023-2024

The After School World Language Program will be available for students in grades 3 - 5 this school year, and the enrollment period is now open. We have partnered with a Miami University class that has developed a comprehensive curriculum for this program and are excited to offer this opportunity for our students. Click HERE for more information.



Our next PTG meeting will be on November 13th @ 6:30 - we would love for you to join us. Here is a Zoom link for those who would like to hear what is going on, but can’t make the meeting in person.


PTG Family Skate Night- February 24, 2023

Sunday, February 24th at 5:15-6:45 p.m. is Marshall Family Skate Night at Goggin!! This is a fun FREE family event! 



We need volunteers to run the RAH cart. Click Here to sign up for a spot to help our students shop the RAH cart.

Every Friday  (Thursday when there is no school on Friday) is RAH cart dates. Students who bring in a RAH recording sheet can get a prize from the cart. Special prizes for students who get in the 100, 500, or 1,000 RAH club! Keep Reading At Home!!


Click Here for a RAH recording sheet.

See below for RAH Cart dates:

Friday, Nov. 10

Friday, Nov. 17

Friday, Dec. 1

Friday, Dec. 8

Friday, Dec. 15 (last weekly collection before winter break)


Attendance Reminder! 


Before 8:30 a.m. on the day of absence, a parent/guardian should call the Attendance line, Marshall Office at 513-273-3600, to report a student absent from school. This line is available 24 hours a day. If a parent has called the Attendance line, a written note WILL NOT be necessary. If a call has not been received, the Office will begin making home phone calls to missing students by 9:30 a.m. in compliance with the Missing Child Act. Students who have not been called in and wish to have his/her absence excused MUST, within 5 school days, present a note stating the date(s) of absence, reason of absence, and parent/guardian signature. Parents may excuse their child for a total of TEN days each school year. After TEN days of parent excuses, all absences will be considered UNEXCUSED unless supported by a doctor's note. Vacation days may be excused as part of the 10 total Parent notes.


Help your child learn how to save money through an actual bank account! Miami Saving Bank comes to Marshall once a month. Monthly statements are sent to your home. Small give aways are given on each banking day. Gold dollar drawing each month and a bike drawing at the end of the school year. You can earn a chance for the gold dollar and the bike give away with each deposit. The next banking day is November 17th and they will be located in the cafeteria from 7:40 - 8:00 a.m. 


Kinship Caregivers Meeting

Plese click this link for information for Kinship Caregivers.


Lions Club Eyeglass Collection

The Oxford Lions Club Sight Saving Committee is collecting used eyeglasses, as well as glasses cases! These glasses and cases are donated all over the world to children who are in need. The lenses and frames from the donated glasses are modified to meet individual children's eye needs. Every year, Oxford Lions Club collects and sends 900-plus pairs of glasses to children in need!

Please send any glasses donations in by mid-November. Thank you for supporting the Oxford Lions Club! 


Federal COVID-19 Test Kit Program Update

Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.

Request Page: (will be available on September 25)

Please share with your community!

As a reminder, the Butler County General Health District has free COVID-19 test kits available.



Could your little one use a Big?  Please see the link below from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Butler County.



Y Base Before and After School Enrichment

Please see this link for more information about the YMCA before and after school enrichment program.

qr code

EZ Pay Link & QR Code

Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees?  Pay here:

EZ Pay

Talawanda Job Openings 

If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:

Talawanda Job Postings


Marshall Cafeteria

Marshall Breakfast Menu

Marshall Lunch Menu

thanksgiving event
Veterans Service

Start the Conversation Workshop

How to talk with young people about vaping, JUULs, and other electronic nicotine products. 

Start the Conversation Workshop


Talawanda Youth Wrestling Grades K-6

Please use this link to learn more about the Talawand Youth Wrestling for students in grades K-6.  


Girl Scout Informaiton

Please use this link to learn more about being a Girl Scout.


Miami 3rd Grade Research Study

Please use this link to learn more about a research project looking for 3rd-grade students. 


Phi Sigma Sigma 5k

Cocoa Fun Run 5k we are hosting on November 18th. It will be at Cook Field here on Miami's campus. It is a hot chocolate 5k so we will have stations with hot chocolate set up at the beginning and end of the race as well as throughout the race route in case people who are walking want to drink some hot chocolate along the way! The link underneath the flyer is where people can register for the race or they can scan the QR code in the flyer. It is $10 per person. 


Cocoa Fun Run


Talawanda STEM

Talawanda STEM FB & X

Pumpkin Catapult- Friday, November 3rd, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Community Events & Activities Designed for Kids and Families:


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances



2023-2024 Calendar

November 7- No School- Data/Work Day

November 8 - Third Grade Concert

November 13 - PTG Meeting

November 17 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

November 20-24- No School Thanksgiving Break

December 7 - 2nd Grade Concert

December 15 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

December 21-January 5- Winter Break

January 8 - PTG Meeting

January 15- No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 26 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

February 12 - PTG Meeting

February 16-19- No School Presidents Day Weekend

February 23 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

February 24 - Marshall Skate Night @ Goggin at 5:15

March 5 & 7- Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 8- No School Data/Work Day

March 11 - PTG Meeting

March 14 - 4th Grade Concert

March 22 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

March 25-April 1- Spring Break

April 8- Professional Development Day

April 18 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day

May 17 - School Banking Miami Savings Bank

May 23- Last Day of School


Have a great, safe, weekend!


Stephanie Jones




Educating and preparing students for life!


In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.

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