Marshall Enews 10/12/23

Marshall Enews 10/12/23
School News and Information
We had a great four day week at Marshall! There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW - IT IS FALL BREAK!
Thanks to Hanover and Reily Township Fire Departments who came out to teach fire safety to our preschool - 1st graders this week. The students loved it! We got to end the week with our Fall PTG Fundraiser incentive. Thanks to Mrs. Krausher, Mrs. Croucher, Mrs. Rolfes, and Mrs. Jones who were all “WANTED” and twenty five students got to silly string them!
It is getting cooler out. Please send in warmer clothes for your student to wear during recess. Thanks!
REMEMBER - PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES ARE NEXT TUESDAY AND THURSDAY! We are looking forward to seeing our students grown-ups!!!

Our next PTG meeting will be on November 13th @ 6:30 - we would love for you to join us. We will provide a Zoom link for those who would like to hear what is going on, but can’t make the meeting in person.
Marshall Parent Teacher Conferences are next week! Please help provide our super staff a Soup-er Dinner with soups, salads, and bread! Please Click Here to sign up to bring in food on Thursday, October 19th. All items need to be at Marshall by 3:00pm on Thursday, October 19th. Any crockpots and serving items will be washed and available for pick up on Friday, October 20. Thank you for supporting the Marshall staff!
Marshall is accepting gently used Halloween costumes to have on hand for students that forget to wear a costume, don't have a costume to wear, or change their mind and wish they'd worn a costume to school on Halloween! Marshall will have their annual costume parade at school on 10/31 @ 2:30. We do not want any student to feel left out. Thank you!
We need volunteers to run the RAH cart. Click Here to sign up for a spot to help our students shop the RAH cart.
Every Friday (Thursday when there is no school on Friday) is RAH cart dates. Students who bring in a RAH recording sheet can get a prize from the cart. Special prizes for students who get in the 100, 500, or 1,000 RAH club! Keep Reading At Home!!
Click Here for a RAH recording sheet.
See below for RAH Cart dates:
*Thursday, Oct. 12
Friday, Oct. 20
Friday, Oct. 27
Friday, Nov. 3
Friday, Nov. 10
Friday, Nov. 17
Friday, Dec. 1
Friday, Dec. 8
Friday, Dec. 15 (last weekly collection before winter break)
Honoring All Who Served
Please send in pictures of family members who have served or currently serving, so that we may include them in our musical tribute on November 8, 2023. Pictures can be sent vial email to Mr. Menezes at:
Lions Club Eyeglass Collection
The Oxford Lions Club Sight Saving Committee is collecting used eyeglasses, as well as glasses cases! These glasses and cases are donated all over the world to children who are in need. The lenses and frames from the donated glasses are modified to meet individual children's eye needs. Every year,Oxford Lions Club collects and sends 900-plus pairs of glasses to children in need!
Please send any glasses donations in by mid-November. Thank you for supporting the Oxford Lions Club!
Federal COVID-19 Test Kit Program Update
Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.
Request Page: (will be available on September 25)
Please share with your community!
As a reminder, the Butler County General Health District has free COVID-19 test kits available.
Could your little one use a Big? Please see the link below from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Butler County.
Y Base Before and After School Enrichment
Please see this link for more information about the YMCA before and after school enrichment program.

EZ Pay Link & QR Code
Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees? Pay here:
Talawanda Job Postings
Follow this link to see current positions open
Talawanda Classified Substitute Information
Please see the information below if you are interested in becoming a classified substitute for
Talawanda School District.
Please complete this form if you are interested in applying to become a classified substitute.
Talawanda Classified Substitute Application
Current classified substitute pay: Effective 8/1/2023
Educational Assistant$11.00/hour
Food Service$11.00/hour
Classified Substitute Requirements
All classified substitutes are required to have a background check. Background checks can be completed at the Miami University Police Department, by appointment. Information can be found on their website. Have a copy of the background check sent to the Talawanda School District.
In addition to the background check and drug screen, Educational Assistants Substitutes are required to have an Educational Assistant Aide permit through the State of Ohio. This permit must have the ESEA endorsement. To add the “ESEA qualified” endorsement to an educational aide permit, the individual must have successfully completed one of the following:
The examination for paraprofessionals is prescribed by the State Board of Education (ParaPro Assessment). Candidates must request their test scores be reported directly to the Ohio Department of Education from the Educational Testing Service.
An associate degree (or higher) from an accredited institution of higher education; or at least two years of study at an accredited institution of higher education (defined as 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours).
More information about obtaining an Educational Aide Permit can be found here.
Marshall Cafeteria


Attic Lock - In
Lane Library- Caitlin Campbell
Caitlin Campbell from the Oxford Lane Library has completed a how-to handout to help families better navigate Lane's catalog when looking for Accelerated Reader books.
Community Events & Activities designed for Kids and Families:
2023-2024 Calendar
October 17 & 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 13 - PTG Meeting
January 8 - PTG Meeting
February 12 - PTG Meeting
March 7 & 12- Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 8- No School Data/Work Day
March 11 - PTG Meeting
March 25-April 1- Spring Break
May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day
May 23- Last Day of School
Have a great, safe, weekend!
Stephanie Jones
Educating and preparing students for life!
In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.