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Marshall Enews 1/27/23

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Marshall Enews 1/27/23

Jan 27, 2023

Marshall Elementary Weekly E-News

January 27, 2023


School News and Information

Happy Friday!  It is hard to believe that January is almost over and that we have just 4 months remaining this school year.  Students and staff continue to work hard learning new things each day.  We are excited to see the growth of all our students.  


We had many students wearing their Bengals gear, hopefully this will create another victory this weekend!


Since it is winter,  if you need assistance with warmer clothing items (hats, gloves, coats), please reach out to Marshall social worker, Mrs. Rolfes or Mr. Hinton.  We will be happy to assist you.


Also, please mark your child's names in their items.  We have a number of jackets, sweatshirts, hats and gloves in the lost and found.  If your child is missing some items, please have them check the lost and found in the cafeteria - we have several items currently in the lost and found.


Please be sure to have a photo ID with you when you plan to enter the building during the day.  This applies to visits and when picking up your child early.


Collecting Coats - Mrs. Rolfes

If you have any gently used coats you would like to donate - Marshall will take them off your hands! Coats will be kept on hand to give to students needing a coat for cold weather and/or recess.


From the Marshall PTG (Parent Teacher Group)

Thank you to everyone who has already registered for our Winter Fundraiser - A Dance a Thon called the Marshall Glowing Dance Party.  If you have not created an account through MyBooster please do so.  Our official kick off day is January 31st but we are already off to a great start.  Families can then send their link to family and friends through email and social media to collect pledges.  This is a great way to get support for our school from out of town family members, friends, and connections.


We are planning a Marshall Mayfest organizational meeting for February 6th after school and 4:30.  We currently need a chairperson and volunteers in order to hold the event.  Please plan to attend if you want to help get this event planned for this year.  


Marshall PTG is sponsoring a Marshall Skate Night at Goggin Ice Arena on Friday February 3rd from 5:45 to 7:45 PM.  This is a free event for all Marshall Families and Skate Rental is included.  Hope to see you there!


This was shared with us today - sorry for the late notice. Kramer PTG's Mother Son dance is back!  It's your chance to dress up and show off your super dance moves. Whether you dress fancy-formal or superhero-fabulous, this is a night you and your son will remember for years to come.  There will be prizes for best costume, best dancer & more.  Watch your Friday folders for the ticket order form.  Tickets are $20.00 per pair and $5.00 for each additional ticket.  The Kramer Elementary Mother-Son dance is an inclusive event. All elementary-aged students in the Talawanda school district, along with their parent, guardian, or caregiver are welcome.

Kramer PTG Mother/Son Dance

Please contact if you have any questions.

Kramer Gym- Saturday, January 28th, 6PM-8PM

Contacting Legislators

Holli Hansel has placed the information on the TSD website regarding contacting state legislators and the governor about school funding.  Please consider taking a few minutes to advocate for fair school funding for Ohio.  The state of Ohio's funding for public schools has been found unconstitutional multiple times.  I will be reaching out to our legislators and please consider taking a few moments to do the same. 


Please consider writing to our Ohio Board of Education, and other state leaders and elected officials.  Check out the talking points and letters we've shared on our district website.


Contact Information for Ohio Officials


Talking Points & Sample Letters


Talawanda Preschool for 23-24

In order to fill the limited spaces in our preschool classrooms, typically developing children will enter the program through a lottery.  Parents interested in enrolling their children in preschool should follow the process described below.  


1) Please fill in the information below by January 31, 2023.  A lottery drawing will be held on February 7, 2023.  At this drawing, we will draw names for the available spaces in our preschool program.  After all spaces are filled, we will continue to draw names to create a waitlist for any future vacancies.


2) Once your name is drawn you will receive a phone call.  We will schedule an appointment for you to enroll and pick up the registration packet from the Nelson Morrow Building. This packet and the first month’s tuition payment will be due no later than April 28, 2023.  If we do not receive these items by this date your space will be given to the first person on the waitlist.


In February our waitlist will be wiped clean. If you have a child currently on the waitlist, you will need to fill out a new application for the 23/24 school year.


Thank you for your interest in our Preschool Program.

Preschool Application for 23/24


Yearbook Orders

We are now taking yearbook orders for this year.  See this flier.


Reading at Home (RAH)

RAH will be back this year grades K-5 started today and continues each friday. Use this link to the RAH recording Sheet  For our upper level readers, chapter books count as 1 book for every 25 pages of the chapter book read.  One of the best ways for children to grow in their reading is to read.  Just like the expression goes - practice makes perfect.  RAH volunteers sign up


Food Need Availability in Oxford, Ohio

Please use this link for the Food Need Availability calendar for Oxford.


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

Thank you to our Equity and Diversity Team for creating Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances.


Marshall Community Rewards Program

Thank you to everyone who already enrolled.  Have you enrolled in Kroger Community Rewards? It's easy to do & every shopping trip earns money for Marshall!  Just imagine how much we would earn if every family enrolled!  Encourage all of your family & friends to register!


Please enroll today if you haven't already done so! 

Organization Name: Marshall Elementary

Organization Number: EK110



School fees can be paid on the Talawanda website via EZPay or by sending a check to school with your child.  Please include the child’s name in the memo.  Chromebook insurance for 5th grade cannot be waived.  



If your child is going to be absent, please call the Marshall Attendance Line @ 513-273-3600 by 10:00 a.m. 


TSD Breakfast and Lunch Program

Student Meal Pricing

Breakfast - $1.50 

Lunch - Elementary $2.75 

Milk (Individual) - $.60

The Marshall Lunch Menu is posted on the website linked here.

Students must have their breakfast card to get a breakfast in the morning.  These cards were given out at the beginning of the year and should be kept in one location of the student’s backpack.  


Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures 

Pick up Sign Request Form 


Talawanda Athletics Ticket Information

Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE


Talawanda Community Events Page

Please use this link for the Talawanda Community Events Page.


Enjoy the weekend!

Chad Hinton




Educating and preparing students for life!

In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.


2022-2023 Calendar

February 6 - PTG Mayfest Meeting 4:30 PM Cafeteria

February 10 - Booster Thon Dance Party (GYM)

February 20 - No School - Presidents’ Day

March 7 - Spring Picture Day

March 9 - Conferences 

March 13 - Marshall PTG Meeting 7:00 PM Cafeteria

March 14 - Conferences 

March 27-31 - No School - Spring Break

April 7 - No School 

April 10 - No School - Conference Exchange Day

April 12 - Marshall Art Show

May 8 - Marshall PTG Meeting 7:00 PM Cafeteria

May 25 - 5th Grade Graduation @ THS 7:00 PM

May 26 - Last Day of School

Stay Connected with Marshall - #thisisMEtsd

Facebook   -  Marshall Elementary - Oxford, Ohio

Twitter  -  @TSDMarshall

Instagram  -  TSDMarshall

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