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Marshall Elementary School Blog

Marshall Elementary School Blog

TSD is Closed 1/8/18

JAN 8, 2018

Talawanda is CLOSED 1/8/18.

HB 410- Changes in Monitoring Student Attendance


School districts have always been required to monitor student attendance.  Recently, the State of Ohio passed HB 410, which implemented required st...


August 2017- Board of Education Meeting Summary

  1. Opening of Meeting
  2. Roll Call
  3. Executive Session
  4. Executive Session
  5. Reconvene in Open Session
  6. Approval of Agenda
  7. Pledge of Allegiance
  8. Welcome t...

Solar Eclipse Viewing at Talawanda School District

On August 21, 2017, Talawanda School District will have an opportunity to view the total solar eclipse due to our location. This event is being call...

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