Kindergarten Information:
Any child in Talawanda School District whose fifth birthday is on or before August 1st of the calendar year is eligible to register for kindergarten for the coming school year.
Please call the school office at the school located within your attendance area to register your child. If you are unsure of which school attendance area you live in, please call Petermann Transportation @ (513)273-3150 for verification on which school your child will attend.
Marshall Elementary School (513) 273-3600
Kramer Elementary School (513) 273-3500
Bogan Elementary School (513) 273-3400
After enrollment forms are filled out, parents must furnish their child’s certified birth certificate, immunization records, certified-court stamped divorce decree with custody papers (if applicable), copy of parent(s) drivers license, and proof of residency in the Talawanda School District to complete their child’s Kindergarten enrollment.

Documents required for a new student registration:
- Birth Certificate
- Parent should bring a driver's license/photo i.d.
- Proof of Residency (utility bill, rental agreement or offer to purchase, mortgage statement, deed, insurance declaration page, property tax bill)
- Immunization Records
- Copy of Current Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Copy of Individual Educational Plan (if applicable)
FREE Full-Day Kindergarten
The National Education Association (NEA) indicates that full day kindergarten programs provide a solid foundation of learning for children from all backgrounds. Full-day kindergarten programs ensure all students' academic, social, and emotional success as well. Students who receive the full-day option will gain additional instruction in science and social studies, along with music, art, physical education, and library time. Full-day kindergarten is the preferred option among educators, however the law requires a half day kindergarten option be made available for any family who wishes to choose that option.
Advantages of full-day kindergarten:
Higher long-term achievement.
Higher achievement for disadvantaged and low income children, and for those receiving Title I services.
Higher reading scores in early grades.
Fewer grade retentions.
Higher test scores.
More time spent in individualized instruction.
More time spent in free play, less time in large groups.
Greater progress in social skills for disadvantaged and low income children.
More reinforcement of positive social behaviors.
Higher self esteem and independence.
Greater creativity.
Access to nutritional breakfast and lunch.
A more relaxed, less hurried school day with more varied experiences.
No apparent negative consequences in general.