Safe Routes to School

Our Safe Routes
Walking and biking to school has long been a tradition in the Talawanda School District. But while in the past a majority of students walked or biked to school, far fewer do so today. The Talawanda School District, in partnership with the City of Oxford, invites you to join us in trying to make walking and biking a safer and more convenient option for children in Oxford.
Talawanda School District is now participating in Safe Routes to School (SRTS), a national program that empowers communities to make walking and bicycling to school a safe and routine activity. In partnership with the City of Oxford we are developing a “School Travel Plan” focused on our two most walkable schools: Kramer Elementary and the Talawanda Middle School.
Collaborative school travel planning -- joining parents, teachers, Talawanda School District, and community partners -- will enable the district to identify and apply for grants to improve engineering (safer and fully accessible crossings, walkways, trails and bikeways), education, encouragement (promoting benefits of walking and biking), traffic enforcement, and ongoing evaluation.
Together we can create a Talawanda and Oxford community that is safer, healthier, and more sustainable for our children.