Kramer Enews 9/29/23
Kramer Enews 9/29/23
School News and Information
We had a fun week at school! Spirit Week was fun and the students and staff had a great time participating.
Don’t forget that tomorrow, Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. is the Kramer Carnival. This is a fantastic opportunity for our school community to come together, have fun, and create lasting memories.
Kramer PTG- Carnival Information
Our Kramer Carnival is this Saturday from 12 pm-3 pm! Bring your family and friends to enjoy games, bounce houses, face painting, desserts, a cake auction, a silent auction, and pizza! Bring cash, or check, or be prepared to pay with Venmo. Stay hydrated by bringing your own water bottle for use at the City’s water refill station!
Please consider signing up to volunteer (we especially need people to run games from 12-1:30). We also still need cupcakes for decorating and desserts for our ‘dessert dash’!
Event maps:
Thank you to everyone who is making this important fundraiser possible.
Hope to see you there!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Starting on Monday, October 2, 2023, there will be some changes and guidelines in place for vehicle access and traffic flow around the Kramer parking lot. Please take note of the following important information:
Parking Lot Access: Vehicles will not be allowed to enter the Kramer parking lot until 2:30 PM. This restriction is due to Mrs. Eckerle working with students during her PE unit, and some classes using the big blacktop area. The gate to the parking lot will be closed, and it will only be opened when classes are finished.
Avoid stacking on Sycamore Street: Please refrain from parking or stacking your cars on Sycamore Street before 2:30 PM. The Oxford Police Department (OPD) will assist in enforcing this rule to ensure that cars do not block the street or stack prematurely.
Drop-off Location: Do not drop students off at the corner of Sycamore and Locust. This practice poses a safety concern for our students. Instead, please use the designated vehicle drop-off area in the morning to drop off your child safely.
Exiting the Parking Lot: When leaving the Kramer parking lot, please turn right. Do not turn left onto Sycamore Street. Turning left in this area creates a backup in the vehicle drop-off area, and it's important to maintain a smooth traffic flow.
These guidelines are put in place to ensure the safety and efficiency of traffic around the Kramer parking lot and to minimize disruptions during school activities. Your cooperation in following these instructions is greatly appreciated. Thank you for helping to create a safe and organized environment for our students.
Fall Book Fair- Mrs. Darby
Fall Book Fair will run Oct. 2 - 11
Kindergarten and 1st grade - online only.
2nd grade - teachers will choose a 30-minute block on Monday, October 9th for Book Fair shopping. Time will be shared with families.
3rd, 4th, and 5th will shop Book Fair during their scheduled Library time.
Look for information in your child’s Friday Folder.
Federal COVID-19 Test Kit Program Update
Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.
Request Page: (will be available on September 25)
Please share with your community!
As a reminder, the Butler County General Health District has free COVID-19 test kits available.
Oxford Multicultural Family Alliance
Oxford Multicultural Family Alliance is hosting a Community Meet & Greet on Sunday, October 1st, from 2 pm-4 pm at the TRI Community Center Playground/Field Area (6025 Fairfield Rd, Oxford) All are welcome! The goals of OMFA include creating a community of families to support and advocate for the diverse students of Oxford. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Invite your family and friends!
EZ Pay Link & QR Code
Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees? Pay here:
Talawanda Classified Substitute Information
Please see the information below if you are interested in becoming a classified substitute for
Talawanda School District.
Current job postings can be found here:
Talawanda Job Postings.
Please complete this form if you are interested in applying to become a classified substitute.
Talawanda Classified Substitute Application
Current classified substitute pay: Effective 8/1/2023
Educational Assistant$11.00/hour
Food Service$11.00/hour
Classified Substitute Requirements
All classified substitutes are required to have a background check. Background checks can be completed at the Miami University Police Department, by appointment. Information can be found on their website. Have a copy of the background check sent to the Talawanda School District.
In addition to the background check and drug screen, Educational Assistants Substitutes are required to have an Educational Assistant Aide permit through the State of Ohio. This permit must have the ESEA endorsement. To add the “ESEA qualified” endorsement to an educational aide permit, the individual must have successfully completed one of the following:
The examination for paraprofessionals is prescribed by the State Board of Education (ParaPro Assessment). Candidates must request their test scores be reported directly to the Ohio Department of Education from the Educational Testing Service.
An associate degree (or higher) from an accredited institution of higher education; or at least two years of study at an accredited institution of higher education (defined as 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours).
More information about obtaining an Educational Aide Permit can be found here.
Kramer Cafeteria- Mrs. Pence
Kramer Breakfast Menu- October
Kramer Lunch Menu- October
October 4 menu change:
Chili cheese fries
Celery sticks w/dip
Mixed fruit cups
Lane Library- Caitlin Campbell
Caitlin Campbell from the Oxford Lane Library has completed a how-to handout to help families better navigate Lane's catalog when looking for Accelerated Reader books.
Community Events & Activities designed for Kids and Families:
2023-2024 Calendar
September 30 - Kramer PTG Carnival
October 3- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
October 5- MU Theater Trip- Grades 3-5, 9:30-11:30. Lunch@Kramer
October 13- No School- Fall Break
October 19 - Lifetouch Picture Retake
October 17 & 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 30-November 3- K-Kids Cereal Box Drive
November 7- No School- Data/Work Day
November 14 - Fourth Grade Concert
November 20-24- No School Thanksgiving Break
December 5- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
December 21-January 5- Winter Break
January 15- No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 6- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
February 16-19- No School Presidents Day Weekend
March 7 & 12- Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 8- No School Data/Work Day
March 25-April 1- Spring Break
April 2- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day
May 23- Last Day of School
We hope to see you at the Kramer Carnival!
Jason Merz
Educating and preparing students for life!
In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.