Kramer Enews 9/1/23
Kramer Enews 8/31/23
School News and Information
Happy Thursday! We had another great week at school! The kindergarten and 1st-grade students are adjusting to the rules and routines and getting into the daily school schedule.
Don’t forget our schedule:
Friday, September 1, 2023: No school for students (Professional Development Day)
Monday, September 4, 2023: No school for students (Labor Day)
Tuesday, September 5, 2023: No school for students (Data Day)
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
Thank you to Chief Jones, Detective Sikora, Lieutenant Robinson, and Sergeant King for their help and assistance with our new staging area for pick up in the afternoon. Starting next week, we will have Kramer staff members outside helping with the staging of cars. Our goal is to add some line striping to the lot to set lines and eliminate the need for cones. This will take time. We have mostly cleared Sycamore Street and eased the congestion.
Also, thank you to everyone who has adjusted daily to our new rules and routines for pick-up procedures. We will continue to adjust as needed.
Kramer PTG Information
Here are the big takeaways from this past week's PTG meeting:
1) Carnival re-boot (our first since 2019!) is coming up September 30 from 12 pm-3 pm. Volunteer sign-ups will come out by next week. Get ready to bake, run carnival games, buy tickets, and make the return of this fundraiser a success. Would you like to organize the cake-walk/ bakery auction? Email
2) PTG is seeking a chairperson for our annual Holiday Shop, scheduled for 12/18-12/19. Holiday shop is for students to visit in the days before winter break. The shop is stocked with $2 items for students to purchase as gifts for family and friends. This is a great job for someone who loves to bargain hunt! Email KramerPTG@gmail if interested.
3) The return of sales... we enjoyed a multi-year break from fundraiser sales, but this year the PTG will return to fundraising sales! Planned fundraiser sales include:
Texas Roadhouse Rolls/Cinnamon Butter (November)
Cake Rolls
.... and more
If there is a fundraiser you'd like to see, we are looking for enthusiastic fundraising leaders. Please email to signup. If fundraising sales are not your thing, look out for the "unfundraiser" letter-- we accept donations made out to the Kramer PTG throughout the year.
What's it all for? It's for our wonderful students, staff, and school community. Get all the details by reading the PTG Meeting Summary (with 2023-2024 Budget) from 8/29 linked here.
Please sign up using this form to be connected with volunteer opportunities. You can also join the Kramer PTG group on Facebook here.
Oxford Multicultural Family Alliance
Oxford Multicultural Family Alliance is hosting a Community Meet & Greet on Sunday, October 1st, from 2 pm-4 pm at the TRI Community Center Playground/Field Area (6025 Fairfield Rd, Oxford) All are welcome! The goals of OMFA include creating a community of families to support and advocate for the diverse students of Oxford. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Invite your family and friends!
Could your little one use a Big? Please see the link below from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Butler County.
Destination Imagination
The informational Meeting is on September 5 at 5:00. See the flyer for more details about DI. Use this link if your child may be interested in DI this year, so teams can be formed:
EZ Pay Link & QR Code
Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees? Pay here:
Talawanda Classified Substitute Information
Please see the information below if you are interested in becoming a classified substitute for
Talawanda School District.
Please complete this form if you are interested in applying to become a classified substitute.
Talawanda Classified Substitute Application
Current classified substitute pay: Effective 8/1/2023
Educational Assistant$11.00/hour
Food Service$11.00/hour
Classified Substitute Requirements
All classified substitutes are required to have a background check. Background checks can be completed at the Miami University Police Department, by appointment. Information can be found on their website. Have a copy of the background check sent to the Talawanda School District.
In addition to the background check and drug screen, Educational Assistants Substitutes are required to have an Educational Assistant Aide permit through the State of Ohio. This permit must have the ESEA endorsement. To add the “ESEA qualified” endorsement to an educational aide permit, the individual must have successfully completed one of the following:
The examination for paraprofessionals is prescribed by the State Board of Education (ParaPro Assessment). Candidates must request their test scores be reported directly to the Ohio Department of Education from the Educational Testing Service.
An associate degree (or higher) from an accredited institution of higher education; or at least two years of study at an accredited institution of higher education (defined as 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours).
More information about obtaining an Educational Aide Permit can be found here.
Kramer Cafeteria- Mrs. Pence
Starting next week, Mrs. Pence will be offering, “extras” that can be purchased.
Kramer Breakfast Menu- September
Kramer Lunch Menu- September
Saturday Art
Saturday Art is for students aged 4 years to adult. You can learn creative projects and no experience is required. Saturday Art
Lane Library- Caitlin Campbell
Caitlin Campbell from the Oxford Lane Library has completed a how-to handout to help families better navigate Lane's catalog when looking for Accelerated Reader books.
Search for Swoop Community Activity
Miami Athletics and Ohio529 are excited to partner to bring a fun, new and FREE activity to Oxford for the next few weeks!
Swoop is hiding in 15 local spots and we need you to help find him! The scavenger hunt board can be printed below along with the instructions.
This fun activity will take place through September 4 and is open to anyone to participate! Participants who are in the 8th grade or younger who find 10 hidden Swoops will receive a complimentary ticket to the Miami Football game on Saturday, Sept. 23. Anyone 8th grade or younger who finds ALL 15 hidden Swoops will receive a ticket AND be eligible into the prize drawing, which includes a $529 college savings award!
Download your scavenger hunt board and the participant instructions below!
Scavenger Hunt Board-
A big THANK YOU to our participating businesses:
Taco Bell, Mercy Health- Oxford, Skyline Chili, Koenig Equipment, Century21, Kroger, Enjoy Oxford, Rapid Fired Pizza, LaRosa's, Imfeld's Nursery, Brick & Ivy, Prime at Oxford, E&H Ace Hardware and Red Brick Lounge!
Scavenger hunt boards are to be turned in by end of day on Tuesday, Sept. 5 to be eligible to receive your complimentary ticket and be entered into the prize drawing!
2023-2024 Calendar
September 1- No School- PD Day
September 4 - No School-Labor Day
September 5- No School- Data/Work Day
September 6 - Lifetouch Picture Day
September 20- Title Open House- 3:30-5:00
September 30 - Kramer PTG Carnival
October 3- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
October 13- No School- Fall Break
October 19 - Lifetouch Picture Retake
October 17 & 19 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 7- No School- Data/Work Day
November 20-24- No School Thanksgiving Break
December 5- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
December 21-January 5- Winter Break
January 15- No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 6- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
February 16-19- No School Presidents Day Weekend
March 7 & 12- Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 8- No School Data/Work Day
March 25-April 1- Spring Break
April 2- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day
May 23- Last Day of School
Have a great, safe, long weekend!
Jason Merz
Educating and preparing students for life!
In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.