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Kramer Enews 4/21/23

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Kramer Enews 4/21/23

Apr 21, 2023

Kramer Enews 4/21/2023

School News and Information

Happy Friday!  The last couple of days have been wonderful weather.  We wish it would stay that way.  State assessments have gone well this week.  1 more week for 3rd and 4th grade and 2 more for 5th grade.  The year is quickly coming to an end.  We have many activities planned for the remainder of the year but we are still focused on learning.  Thanks for your support and encouragement over the next few weeks. 


Spring State Assessment Dates for Grades 3 and 4:  April 17 to 28  Grade 5: April 17 to May 4


Bus Transportation for Next School Year 

All families who live more than two miles from the school & need bus transportation must complete a Transportation Form and turn it in to the school office by June 8th.  A detailed TSD Update for Tier One Transportation & Transportation Form was sent home in your child’s Friday Folder.  


If you have any questions, please contact Transportation at:



Kramer PTG News and Information

Upcoming VIP Breakfast (April 25th & April 27th)

The Kramer PTG is pleased to invite you to the VIP Breakfast (Very Important Person) at Kramer with your student. Breakfast is from 820-920 AM and caregivers must stay with their student(s) until Kramer’s doors open at 910 AM. 

  • Last names that begin with A - M: Tuesday, April 25th

  • Last names that begin with N - Z: Thursday, April 27th

If you can't make your day, please join us on the day you can. Please volunteer or bring an item, and bring a reusable coffee cup if you have one! 

We would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Jason Reynolds with REMAX/Alpha for providing all of the doughnuts for this year's VIP Breakfast!


Kramer Field Day T-Shirts

Kramer’s Field Day is on May 19th! If you’d like to order your Kramer student a shirt, the link is here: Orders must be in NLT on April 26th and are selling for $11.

Calling all 5th Grade Parents!!!

The three elementary school PTGs are hosting an end-of-the-school-year pool party for the 5th graders on Sunday, June 4th at the Oxford Aquatic Center from 6 PM to 8 PM and we need parent volunteers to help us plan! If you are interested in helping, please send an email to! We cannot wait to celebrate our 5th graders before they head to TMS next year!

Join the Kramer Parent Teacher Group!

The Kramer PTG is looking for some new members to serve on our board and as always, we encourage members of the Kramer community to attend our meetings. 

What is the PTG? It is a formal organization that consists of parents, teachers, and school staff.  

And what is it that the Kramer PTG does? Our top goal is to support the Kramer community.  Attending PTG meetings can be a great time to learn about all that is going on at Kramer and in the PTG.  However, you can help by volunteering in a variety of ways.  Whatever form of volunteering, it doesn’t need to be a large time commitment. We welcome volunteers in all shapes and sizes. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7 PM at Kramer.  

We are looking for volunteers to fill the following roles: Volunteer Coordinator and Events Coordinator. The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for working with our community partners (Miami University, and other organizations) to recruit volunteers to help us successfully run our events. The Events Coordinator oversees the Events the Kramer PTG runs each year; each event typically has a chair. The Event Coordinator will work with each event chair to ensure we are on schedule and budget while creating a fun and rewarding event! If you have any questions about either of these positions or the PTG in general, please email us at


Walk, Bike, & Roll to School

Wednesday, May 3rd

Put on those sneakers and pump up your tires.  Come join the fun at Kramer!


Live too far/  Drive part way and walk, roll, or bike the rest!

Walk, Bike, & Roll to School


Last 3 Days End of School Year

Talawanda will have early release the last 3 days of school (Wednesday-Friday) May 24-26.
THS Dismissal- 1:15 pm
TMS Dismissal- 1:30 pm
Elementary- 2:30 pm

Talawanda High School will host the GRADUATION ceremony Friday, May 26th at 7 pm at Millett Hall.

Pay close attention to your child's school calendar (in the weekly enews) for individual school activities listed as we move closer to the end of this school year.

Kindergarten Registration is Tuesday, April 25th.

Talawanda School District is now accepting Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year.  Any child whose fifth birthday is on or before August 1, 2023, is eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. 


Please call the school office at the school located within your attendance area to register your child.  If you are unsure of which school attendance area you live in, please call Petermann Transportation @ (513) 273-3150 for verification on which school your child will attend.  


Marshall Elementary School (513) 273-3600

Kramer Elementary School (513) 273-3500

Bogan Elementary School (513) 273-3400


After enrollment forms are completed, parents must furnish their child’s certified birth certificate, immunization records, certified-court stamped divorce decree with custody papers (if applicable), copy of parent(s) driver's license, and proof of residency in the Talawanda School District to complete their child’s Kindergarten enrollment. 

F.R.E.S.H Air Fair

Family Resources and Education for Safety and Health

April 22, 2023


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

F.R.E.S.H Air Fair


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

Thank you to our Equity and Diversity Team for creating Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances.



School fees can be paid on the Talawanda website via EZPay or by sending a check to the school with your child.  Please include the child’s name in the memo. 



If your child will be absent, please call the Kramer Attendance Line @ 513-273-3500 by 10:00 a.m. 


TSD Lunch Program

Student Meal Pricing

Breakfast - $1.50 

Lunch - Elementary $2.75 

Milk (Individual) - $.60

April Breakfast Menu

April Lunch Menu


Mock Trial Camp

Mock Trial Camp


Join the Oxford Swim and Dive Team

Oxford Swim and Dive Team


YMCA Healthy Kids Day Event

YMCA Healthy Kids Day Event


Food Need Availability in Oxford, Ohio

Please use this link for the Food Need Availability calendar for Oxford.


Talawanda Community Events Page

Please use this link for the Talawanda Community Events Page.

Have a great weekend.

Jason Merz




Educating and preparing students for life!

In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.


2022-2023 Calendar

April 25 - Last After School Foreign Language

April 28-Field Trip Mrs. Story - Cincinnati Zoo

May 4 - Field Trip - Second Grade to Cincinnati Zoo

May 4 - Field Trip - Third Grade to Cincinnati Zoo

May 5 - Field Trip - Kindergarten to Miami Whitewater Forest, Harrison

May 8 - Field Trip - Fifth Grade to BB Riverboats

May 9 - Field Trip - Fifth Grade to TMS

May 12- Fourth Grade Field Trip - Carillon Park, Dayton

May 16- 3rd Grade Science Day

May 17- 4th Grade Science Day

May 18- 5th Grade Science Day

May 19 - Field Day 

May 19- Preschool Transition Day

May 22 & 23  - Field Trip - Fifth Grade to Camp Campbell Gard

May 22-24- 5th Grade GRIT Space Camp Trip

May 26- Last Day of School

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