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Kramer Enews 2/24/23

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Kramer Enews 2/24/23

Jul 24, 2024

Kramer Enews 2/24/2023

School News and Information

Happy Friday!  It is hard to believe that March is next week.  Our teachers will be sharing conference sign-ups soon.  Just a reminder that Conference Nights are March 9th and 14th. 


Kindergarten Registration 

Talawanda School District is now accepting Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year.  Any child whose fifth birthday is on or before August 1, 2023, is eligible to register for kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Please call the school office at the school located within your attendance area to register your child.  If you are unsure of which school attendance area you live in, please call Petermann Transportation @ (513) 273-3150 for verification on which school your child will attend.  


Marshall Elementary School (513) 273-3600

Kramer Elementary School (513) 273-3500

Bogan Elementary School (513) 273-3400


After enrollment forms are completed, parents must furnish their child’s certified birth certificate, immunization records, certified-court stamped divorce decree with custody papers (if applicable), copy of parent(s) driver's license, and proof of residency in the Talawanda School District to complete their child’s Kindergarten enrollment. 


Monitoring What Students See and Hear

It is concerning to hear that students are making references to inappropriate/adult topics in the classroom. Children can be exposed to such topics through various means, including social media (TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, etc), television, music, and overheard conversations. They can repeat these topics, sometimes without even knowing what they are saying.  It is important for parents and caregivers to monitor what their children are exposed to and to have open and honest conversations about appropriate behavior and language.


Parents can take steps to limit their child's access to inappropriate content by setting parental controls on devices and monitoring their child's online activity. Additionally, parents can talk to their children about what they are watching and help them understand why certain content may not be appropriate.

As educators, it is important to address inappropriate language and behavior in the classroom and to provide guidance on appropriate language and behavior. Teachers can also work with parents to address any concerns and to ensure that students are receiving consistent messaging at school and at home.


Overall, it is essential for parents and educators to work together to create a safe and supportive learning environment for children. By monitoring what children are exposed to and providing guidance on appropriate behavior and language, we can help ensure that children are not exposed to inappropriate content and are able to thrive both academically and socially.


6th Grade Band Information- Mr. Marston

On February 27 we are going to have an opportunity for future band members to try instruments to see what they would like to play next year. The event will be from 4:30-6:30 pm at the middle school

6th Grade Beginning Band


Collecting Coats - Mrs. Pike, School Social Worker

If you have any gently used coats you would like to donate - Kramer will take them off your hands! Coats will be kept on hand to give to students needing a coat for cold weather and/or recess.


Grade Level Banding Facts & Information- Mrs. Hansel

Please use this link for more information on Grade Level Banding Facts and Information. 


Yearbook Orders

We are now taking yearbook orders for this year.  The deadline is April 7, 2023.  The cost is $15.

Yearbook ID Code: 7399323


Talawanda Baseball Apparel 

We are so proud to announce that the Talawanda Fan Cloth Shop is open for business, with some great stuff, perfect for yourself, your friends or family, or as a future gift. 

The sale will last until February 24th.

Please feel free to shop and share the link below--your participation is integral to this sales' success!

Contacting Legislators

Please consider taking a few minutes to advocate for fair school funding for Ohio.  The state of Ohio's funding for public schools has been found unconstitutional multiple times.  I will be reaching out to our legislators and please consider taking a few moments to do the same. 


Please consider writing to our Ohio Board of Education, and other state leaders and elected officials.  Check out the talking points and letters we've shared on our district website.


Contact Information for Ohio Officials


Talking Points & Sample Letters


YMCA Latchkey Program

The Great Miami Valley YMCA offers before and after-school care at Kramer.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

YMCA Before and After School Enrichment


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

Thank you to our Equity and Diversity Team for creating Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances.



School fees can be paid on the Talawanda website via EZPay or by sending a check to the school with your child.  Please include the child’s name in the memo. 



If your child will be absent, please call the Kramer Attendance Line @ 513-273-3500 by 10:00 a.m. 


TSD Lunch Program

Student Meal Pricing

Breakfast - $1.50 

Lunch - Elementary $2.75 

Milk (Individual) - $.60

February Breakfast menu

February Lunch Menu

March Breakfast Menu

March Lunch Menu


Food Need Availability in Oxford, Ohio

Please use this link for the Food Need Availability calendar for Oxford.


Talawanda Community Events Page

Please use this link for the Talawanda Community Events Page.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Jason Merz




Educating and preparing students for life!

In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.


2022-2023 Calendar
February 28- 2nd Grade Science Day @ Kramer

March 9- Conferences 

March 14- Conferences 

March 16- 3rd Grade Music Concert- Mrs. Kelly

March 23 - Spring Pictures

March 27-31- Spring Break

April 19- 4th Grade Music Concert- Mrs. Kelly

May 5 - Field Trip - Kindergarten to Miami Whitewater Forest, Harrison

May 18 - Field Day

May 19- Preschool Transition Day

May 22 & 23  - Field Trip - Fifth Grade to Camp Campbell Gard

May 26- Last Day of School

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