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Kramer Enews 2/2/24

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Kramer Enews 2/2/24

Feb 2, 2024

Kramer Enews 2/2/24


School News and Information

Happy Friday and happy Groundhog Day!  We hope that you have had a great week and finally enjoyed the sun peeking out the last few days!


If you have a child in grades K-5, kindly refrain from dropping them off at the front of the school before the official start of the school day. Instead, we encourage you to utilize the parking lot and accompany your child to wait outside the main entrance or utilize the designated vehicle line at the back of the school.


Additionally, please avoid driving around the buses when they are parked along the curb at Kramer. Mr. Merz and Officer Sikora will be stationed at the front to ensure families are adhering to these guidelines. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring the safety of our students as they enter the school premises.

Winter Weather Season- Holli Hansel

Kramer PTG Information

There is a PTG meeting on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 7:00 pm here at Kramer.


We wanted to give everyone a heads-up that there will be several PTG board member positions that need to be filled next year.  


The State of Ohio has changed the requirements.  School employees are no longer allowed to serve on PTG boards.  We currently have two teachers in board positions.  Two parents are also leaving Kramer & will need to be replaced.   This means we will need to replace at least 4 board members.  


Elections will occur at the last board meeting in April.   If approved, we already have our new treasurer, Jen Reed.  


If you have questions about serving on the board & what it entails, please reach out to a current board member,, or attend our next meeting in February.  We have been very fortunate over the years to have fantastic participation in the PTG & been able to provide great opportunities for the students & help the teachers with classroom materials. We are hoping to see that continue with a new board & active parent & teacher volunteers.


Kramer PTG Mother/Son Dance

Thank you to Jenny Fisher for organizing and planning our Mother/Son Dance this past week.  We had a great turnout and thank the Kramer PTG and all of the volunteers for making it a successful evening.  Thank you to everyone who attended this great event.

Kindergarten Information



A Reminder Regarding Electronic Devices 

Smartwatches and cell phones should not be utilized at school.  Texting, calling, messaging, etc are not allowed. Thank you so much for your support.  Please see the reminder below from our parent and student handbook:


Electronic Communication Devices- A student shall not use electronic items communication devices for non-academic purposes during academic time nor should students use electronic devices in a manner or at a time that causes a disruption in the learning environment. 


Students are prohibited from using electronic devices to capture, record or transmit the words, (i.e. audio) images, (i.e., pictures/video) text or other information of any student, staff member or other person in the school or while attending a school-related activity, without express prior notice and explicit consent for the capture, recording or transmission of such words or images.  Students are also prohibited from using electronic devices to capture and/or transmit test information or any other information in a manner constituting fraud, theft, cheating, or academic dishonesty.  Likewise, students are prohibited from using electronic devices to receive such information.


Electronic devices including but not limited to those with cameras, may not be possessed, activated or utilized at any time in any school situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists. If at any time, the possession of an electronic device creates a distraction, disruption or safety hazard on school property (to include district-operated vehicles), such devices will be confiscated.  School officials will not be responsible for the security of confiscated electronic devices.  



After School Foreign Language

After School Foreign Language Begins on February 6th.


Talawanda After School World Language Program Schedule

All classes are on Tuesdays

February 6 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #1, First World Language Class

February 13 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #2

February 20 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #3

February 27 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #4

March 5 

No Classes due to Elementary Conferences

March 12 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #5

March 19 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #6

March 26

No Classes due to Miami and TSD Spring Break

April 2 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #7

April 9 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #8

April 16 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #9

April 23 - 3:30 to 4:30

Class #10, Final World Language Class

Attendance Reminder! 


Before 8:30 a.m. on the day of absence, a parent/guardian should call the Attendance line, Kramer Office at 513-273-3500, to report a student absent from school. This line is available 24 hours a day. If a parent has called the Attendance line, a written note WILL NOT be necessary. If a call has not been received, the Office will begin making home phone calls to missing students by 8:30 a.m. in compliance with the Missing Child Act. Students who have not been called in and wish to have his/her absence excused MUST, within 5 school days, present a note stating the date(s) of absence, reason of absence, and parent/guardian signature. Parents may excuse their child for a total of TEN days each school year. After TEN days of parent excuses, all absences will be considered UNEXCUSED unless supported by a doctor's note. Vacation days may be excused as part of the 10 total Parent notes.


MU Saturday Art Program

The Saturday Art program at Miami University begins in February.  It is for ages 4 to adult.  Please use this link to learn more information.  


Talawanda Booster Bash and Talawanda Baseball Information

Talawanda Winter Booster Bash

Talawanda Baseball Corporate Sponsorship

Talawanda Baseball Information


EZ Pay Link & QR Code

Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees?  Pay here:

EZ Pay


Talawanda Job Openings

If you are interested in working at Talawanda you can find our open positions here:

Talawanda Job Postings


Kramer Cafeteria- Mrs. Pence

Menu Change

February 7, 2024

The menu says Cheesy bread and a garlic breadstick

This is not correct, it should say Rotini bake and a Garlic bread stick


Kramer Breakfast Menu- February

Kramer Lunch Menu- February


Student Services Information- Mrs. Aerni

Click HERE for all upcoming local events through the Student Services Department 


Visit the Talawanda Student Services page to see all upcoming local events!


SAY Soccer

Oxford SAY Soccer- Register Online January 1- March 15th.


Community Events & Activities Designed for Kids and Families:


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances


2023-2024 Calendar

February 6- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm

February 6 - After School Foreign Language Begins

February 9 - PreK lottery 

February 16-19- No School Presidents Day Weekend

February 28- 2nd Day Science Day

February 28 - Second Grade Concert

March 1- School Banking Miami Savings Bank

March 5 & 7- Parent/Teacher Conferences

March 8- No School Data/Work Day

March 19- No School Data/Work Day

March 14 - Third Grade Concert

March 25-April 1- Spring Break

April 2- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm 

April 5 School Banking Miami Savings Bank

April 8- Professional Development Day

April 12 - First Grade Field Trip Boonshoft Museum of Discovery, Dayton

April 22 - Story Field Trip Cincinnati Zoo

April 23 - After School Foreign Language Ends

May 2 - Kindergarten Field Trip Niederman Farm

May 3-School Banking Miami Savings Bank

May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day

May 10 - Fifth Grade Field Trip BB Riverboats

May 15- 5th Grade Tour of TMS

May 17 - Fourth Grade Field Trip Carillon Park

May 20 & 21 - Fifth Grade Field Trip Camp Campbell Gard

May 23- Last Day of School

Jason Merz




Educating and preparing students for life!

In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.



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