Kramer Enews 10/20/23
Kramer Enews 10/20/23
School News and Information
Happy Friday! We hope you’ve had a great week.
As the weather starts to get cooler, please send in a sweatshirt or coat with your child. Some grades have a recess in the morning when it is pretty chilly out still. Please label coats with your child’s name.
A big thank you to Molly Farler for her contribution to taking care of the main dishes for our conference meals. We'd also like to express our gratitude to all the families who generously donated items for these meals. Your support and the delicious food and caffeine are greatly appreciated.
Have a fantastic weekend, and stay warm as the weather continues to cool down!
Vehicle Line- Dismissal
We have had several families recently walk down to the vehicle line to pick up their students and walk them back to the car. If you are picking up your child to walk them to your car, you must meet them in the front of the building. These children are considered walkers and are released several minutes after vehicle pick-up. Only students being picked up in a vehicle will wait in the lower lot.
We have cars driving through the parking lot and want to keep all students safe. If your child is not going to be in the pick-up line, please meet them in front of Kramer.
Halloween- October 31, 2023
We will celebrate Halloween on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. Costumes will be permitted with the following guidelines:
1. No Costume Masks
2. No Props
3. Minimal Makeup
4. Costumes must be worn to school. There will not be a “change time”. Please make sure that your child will be able to function comfortably throughout the day (bathroom needs, recess, school work, specials) while wearing his/her costume.
We will have our, “parade” outside at 8:15. If it is raining, we will go with an inside walk through the bottom level of Kramer.
PTG Information
Texas Roadhouse Rolls for PTG Fundraiser.
You can order a dozen rolls for $8 and roadhouse butter (8oz) for $2. The order deadline is November 2nd and the rolls can be picked up on November 16th
Roadhouse Rolls- PTG Fundraiser
Kramer PTG Family Skate Night- November 26, 2023
Mark your calendars for Kramer Family Skate Night at Goggin. This is a FREE event for Kramer families! Join us on Sunday, November 26th from 1 PM to 3 PM at Goggin Ice Center on Miami University's campus.
RAH- Emily Kuhn
RAH: Reading at Home is underway! We have almost 100 K-2 students turning in sheets weekly! Amazing!
We need your help to continue to provide books for these readers. Consider becoming a Kramer RAH Book fairy and donate to our Stock the Book Cart fund today!
Thank you to all our families, readers, teachers, and supporters!!
Emily Kuhn
Attendance Reminder!
Before 8:30 a.m. on the day of absence, a parent/guardian should call the Attendance line, Kramer Office at 513-273-3500, to report a student absent from school. This line is available 24 hours a day. If a parent has called the Attendance line, a written note WILL NOT be necessary. If a call has not been received, the Office will begin making home phone calls to missing students by 8:30 a.m. in compliance with the Missing Child Act. Students who have not been called in and wish to have his/her absence excused MUST, within 5 school days, present a note stating the date(s) of absence, reason of absence, and parent/guardian signature. Parents may excuse their child for a total of TEN days each school year. After TEN days of parent excuses, all absences will be considered UNEXCUSED unless supported by a doctor's note. Vacation days may be excused as part of the 10 total Parent notes.
Lions Club Eyeglass Collection
The Oxford Lions Club Sight Saving Committee is collecting used eyeglasses, as well as glasses cases! These glasses and cases are donated all over the world to children who are in need. The lenses and frames from the donated glasses are modified to meet individual children's eye needs. Every year, Oxford Lions Club collects and sends 900-plus pairs of glasses to children in need!
Please send any glasses donations in by mid-November. Thank you for supporting the Oxford Lions Club!
Federal COVID-19 Test Kit Program Update
Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.
Request Page: (will be available on September 25)
Please share with your community!
As a reminder, the Butler County General Health District has free COVID-19 test kits available.
EZ Pay Link & QR Code
Do you need to add lunch money to your child’s account or pay school fees? Pay here:
Talawanda Classified Substitute Information
Please see the information below if you are interested in becoming a classified substitute for
Talawanda School District.
Current job postings can be found here:
Talawanda Job Postings.
Kramer Cafeteria- Mrs. Pence
Kramer Breakfast Menu- October
Kramer Lunch Menu- October
Talawanda Youth Wrestling Grades K-6
Please use this link to learn more about the Talawand Youth Wrestling for students in grades K-6.
Safe Trick or Treat- Residence Hall Association
Miami Univesity- Armstrong Student Center- October 28, 2023, 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM
Community Events & Activities Designed for Kids and Families:
2023-2024 Calendar
October 30-November 3- K-Kids Cereal Box Drive
November 3 - Fourth Grade Field Trip Governor Bebb Park
November 3- School Banking Miami Savings Bank
November 7- No School- Data/Work Day
November 14 - Fourth Grade Concert
November 20-24- No School Thanksgiving Break
December 1- School Banking Miami Savings Bank
December 5- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
December 6 - Fifth Grade Concert
December 21-January 5- Winter Break
January 12- School Banking Miami Savings Bank
January 15- No School Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 2- School Banking Miami Savings Bank
February 6- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
February 16-19- No School Presidents Day Weekend
February 28 - Second Grade Concert
March 1- School Banking Miami Savings Bank
March 5 & 7- Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 8- No School Data/Work Day
March 14 - Third Grade Concert
March 25-April 1- Spring Break
April 2- Kramer PTG Meeting- 7:00 pm
April 5 School Banking Miami Savings Bank
April 8- Professional Development Day
May 3-School Banking Miami Savings Bank
May 6 & 7- No School PD/Data/Work Day
May 17 - Fourth Grade Field Trip Carillon Park
May 23- Last Day of School
Have a great weekend!
Jason Merz
Educating and preparing students for life!
In partnership with the community, our mission is to educate and prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for our core values.