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TSD Board Highlights- January 2018

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TSD Board Highlights- January 2018

Jan 19, 2018

January 2018- Organizational Meeting &

Board of Education Meeting Summary


  1. Opening of Meeting
  2. Roll Call
  3. Swearing in of Re-Elected & Newly Elected Board Members
  4. Executive Session
  5. Executive Session
  6. Reconvene in Open Session
  7. Organizational Meeting Procedural Items
  8. Nomination and Election of Board President for 2018- Mark Butterfield will serve for 2018
  9. Nomination and Election of Board Vice President for 2018- Mary Jane Roberts will serve for 2018
  10. Oath of Office- (Board President and Vice President)- Butterfield/Roberts
  11. Appointment of Board Members for 2018
  • Academics- Mike Crowder
  • Athletics- Chris Otto
  • Butler Tech- Lois Vollmer will serve by appointment from the Board
  • Legislative- Mary Jane Roberts & Pat Meade
  1. Organizational Resolutions and Actions
  2. Resolution Establishing Service Fund for Board of Education Members- Block A-D- Approved 5-0
  3. Resolution for Waiver of Reading Minutes
  4. Renewal of Legal Services Resolution
  5. Resolution Adopting Treasurer's Standing Authorizations for the Calendar Year 2018
  6. Resolution Adopting Superintendent's Standing Authorizations for Calendar Year 2018- Approved 5-0


  1. Regular Board Meeting Agenda Items
  2. Approval of Agenda- Approved 5-0
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
  • Reminder of treats to celebrate the BOE!
  1. Resolutions/Presentations
  2. Recognition of National School Board Member Month - Kelly Spivey
  • The Board of Education members were recognized during a short presentation, and received certificates, refreshments were offered to the community members present to celebrate.
  1. Overview of the Alumni Hall of Achievement - Holli Morrish
  • Talawanda Schools is collaborating with an outside group on an awards ceremony that will semi-annually recognize THS graduates for their achievements (outside of the area of sports).  The first fundraiser to raise seed money will take place this spring.  The group has established an oversight board, purchased design work to have a logo developed, and are working on establishing a scholarship program for the future.
  1. Full Day Kindergarten Proposal - Joan Stidham
  • Proposal to fund full-day kindergarten district-wide with a revised funding model.  The curriculum team believes this to be a fantastic option for students!  We feel that more families want to attend full day kindergarten but may not be signing up due to the current model requiring a half day tuition payment.  Research indicates that students who have the opportunity for full-day kindergarten are less likely to be retained and receive a greater level of intervention.  We would still keep a half day option available if there are any families that wish to do that (and is required by law).
  • Mike Davis commented that this option is cost neutral to the district.
  • Mike Crowder discussed the advantages for students that can last potentially through grade 5, and will alleviate some of the concerns that board members/community members have regarding the third grade reading requirements.
  • Mary Jane Roberts commented this should be communicated with the public as soon as possible.
  1. Report of the Treasurer
  2. Approval of Minutes- Approved 4-0


  1. Approval of Gifts- Block B-G -Approved 5-0


Johanna Francis & Michael Hicks

Kramer School Fees for Students in Need


The Woman's Music Club of Oxford

Marshall Elementary Music Program






  1. Approval of Financial Report for December 2017
  2. Approval of Appropriation Modifications (Same FUNC/OBJ)
  3. Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases (Different FUNC/OBJ)
  4. Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000
  5. Resolution to Approve District Tax Budget for the Year Commencing July 1, 2018 (FY19)


  1. Resolution to Approve LED Retrofit Turnkey Project at Bogan Elementary- Approved 5-0


  1. Construction Kramer Project Updates-
  • There is still an issue with changing the projectors, and there is a plan to have the entire technology of the building to be reviewed.
  • Marshall project- TSD received a AA rating for COPS funding.
  • Mike & Kelly are interviewing finance companies, and the next phase will be to update the OSFC.


  1. FY17 GAAP Update-On track to receive an “Auditor of State” finance award.
  2. BHP Update (Anytime Fitness 21-Day Challenge)- The program began this month.
  3. Other Matters- N/A


  1. Report of the Superintendent
  2. Approval of Certificated/Licensed Personnel- Approved 5-0


  1. Approval of Classified Personnel- N/A
  2. Approval of Supplemental Personnel- N/A


  1. Approval of Superintendent's Job Description- The job description was reviewed and revised by just one word.  Approved 5-0


  1. Informational Items From the Superintendent-
  • The marketing materials for the superintendent position have been posted.  The close of the process is expected to be by the end of February.
  • January 3 was a district wide PD Day, and the training went very well, and the morning focus was on reading.
  • Kelly complimented the addition of the THS Bowling Team and mentioned a recent news article.
  • There will be 6 positions open by the close of the year due to retirements.


  1. Items From Board Members
  2. Items From Board Members
  • Mary Jane Roberts mentioned the A-Z award the BOE has participated in, the materials are now available, and the deadline is February 10th.
  • Mike Crowder invited community members to the SW Classic- largest swim meet in the country.  Saturday January 27th is the swim championship, and will be hosted at Miami University.
  • Pat Meade, thankful for the opportunity to serve the community and the students here.
  • Pat also mentioned that Marsha McQueen was recognized as one of the “Citizens of the Year”, and wanted to know if she can be recognized at a future BOE meeting.
  1. Close of Meeting
  2. Future Board Events-  Work Session- 1/29/18. BOE meeting is 2/26/18.
  3. Adjournment- 8:30pm


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