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TMS Wins Ohio STEM Grant

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TMS Wins Ohio STEM Grant

Feb 8, 2022

News Release          2017_0110_Talawanda_T_Logo_C.png





Contact:Holli Morrish- Director 



Talawanda Middle School Wins Ohio STEM Classroom Grant


COLUMBUS, Ohio :Talawanda Middle School will be awarded $5,000 to expand STEM learning projects through Ohio STEM Learning Network Classroom Grant Program, funded by Battelle. The grants will create sustainable, STEM learning projects to benefit students for years to come.

At our school the project, Taking Flight in the Classroom! will utilize drones to improve student’s ability to code and will allow students to improve critical thinking and collaboration skills.


In total, 151 classrooms across 55 Ohio counties join Talawanda Middle School in winning the award. 

“The schools and educators awarded today will create powerful new experiences to amaze and inspire students,” said Kelly Gaier Evans, Director of the Ohio STEM Learning Network. “We invest in these programs to foster the next generation of Ohio innovators.” 

The grant program fosters the growth of OSLN as a public-private partnership between the non-profit research institute and the State of Ohio. Providing more access for all students to experience quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education is Battelle’s top philanthropic priority.

“Battelle is proud to expand its impact in STEM education to support more educators across Ohio,” said Wes Hall, Vice President of Philanthropy & Education. “This program creates connections to the statewide network and STEM opportunities for thousands of new students.”  

Awarded classrooms will receive grants of up to $5,000. In total, $687,500 will be awarded. Projects align to one of four focus areas: 

  1. Community Problem Solving
  2. STEM Career Exploration
  3. Building STEM Mindsets
  4. Design Thinking and Infrastructure

Educators interested in future awards for the program or other supports for STEM education from the Ohio STEM Learning Network can sign up here. A complete list of awarded schools is included below or at this link


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