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THS & TMS- More Information for Semester 2

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THS & TMS- More Information for Semester 2

Dec 1, 2020

December 1, 2020


Dear THS  & TMS Families,


This week you received a questionnaire from TSD requesting information from you concerning the second semester learning options. Our desire is to give you as much information as we can so you can make an informed decision that works for your family. 


The second semester will start off remote for THS & TMS,  but we are hoping that the pandemic virus will plateau and begin to decline. Also, we have the promise and hope that a vaccine will be available.  Both of those are unknowns as of today.


Remote learning for the second semester will continue as it is with THS & TMS teachers teaching our course offerings. This is a huge load for teachers to teach both face to face and remote. Our teachers understand that this is the only way we can continue to provide electives, AP and Honors classes. THS & TMS teachers will be teaching the remote classes. The courses will be TSD curriculum outlined to the state learning standards.


Some important considerations:

  • We will all start the second semester with remote learning.  Each family should indicate in the questionnaire their decision to either come back to in-person-learning starting on January 19th or remain remote for the second semester. 
  • Remote learning will remain the same including the daily schedule as it is currently, taught by THS & TMS teachers, through Zoom.
  • Wednesdays will still be used for appointments, tutoring, interventions, support, and planning.  Students will have assignments for Wednesdays. Remember, there will not be regularly scheduled Zoom classes on Wednesdays.


Our school district and Board of Education will continue to monitor COVID19, manage substitutes, recommendations and/or requirements mandated by the Governor or health department.  We will let you know if anything else changes.


Thank you, be well, and stay safe!


Tom York and Mike Malone


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