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Ohio Report Card- Spring 2018 Results

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Ohio Report Card- Spring 2018 Results

Sep 13, 2019


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 13, 2019

 2018-2019 Ohio Report Card Results:


Talawanda School District received an overall Grade of a C, a one letter grade drop from the previous year.  It’s disappointing news considering the results this year are very similar to last year’s scores, and the difference in this case was about 2 hundredths of a point that determined the decrease.  Talawanda increased by one letter grade in “Prepared for Success”, and decreased by one letter grade in “Grade 3 Literacy”. Talawanda students continue to make progress as evidenced by the “Gap Closing” and “Progress” scores, and they will continue to learn and improve.  It’s important to keep in mind that the state test results are one set of data points from just one day of the entire school year, and not an adequate indication of the overall quality of the Talawanda student body and the educational programs in the district.  


Looking to the future, Talawanda will continue to focus on literacy, making decisions for developing students by utilizing the data we collect, and always doing what is best for kids!  Talawanda will maintain the focus on educating the whole child, and continue to provide social/emotional/wellness supports that we know contribute greatly to student success. Talawanda recently unveiled a new Strategic Plan to address concerns in the areas of academic performance, social/emotional wellness, communication, and fiscal responsibility.  We know that students who start in our elementary schools, and stay with us through grades 7-12, demonstrate knowledge and growth, and are well educated to go onto to the workforce, military, technical training, or college. Talawanda High School students perform well academically (as evidenced on the Ohio Report Card and other data points), in the arts, and through athletics and extra-curricular programs in both our county and the state.  We are grateful for the support of our school board, district families, community, and our dedicated faculty and staff that put students first.


Link to Ohio School/District Report Cards

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