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May 2019- BOE Meeting Highlights

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May 2019- BOE Meeting Highlights

May 21, 2019


May 2019 Regular Meeting- BOE Meeting Highlights




Talawanda High School

7:00 p.m. Executive Session

7:30 p.m. Public Session

BOE Members:Mr. Mark Butterfield, President, Dr. Mary Jane Roberts, Vice President, Dr. Mike Crowder, Mr. Patrick Meade, Mr. Chris Otto


  1. Opening of Meeting
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Resolutions/Presentations
  6. FCCLA Awards Presentation - Sharon Gregory
  • Students from FCCLA joined Mrs. Gregory, they will soon be competing in Anaheim, CA!  These students have qualified for Nationals! Students competed in a variety of categories, and performed very well.  They’ve completed over 1500 hours of service this year! The team has 2 retiring state officers, and a total of 6 state officers.  A short presentation was provided by Braelynn Wagers and Caylor Jarvis. Sharon Gregory is the teacher and advisor.
  1. Go Baby Go - TMS 8th Grade Geometry Class
  • Ryan Barter shared the “Go Baby Go” program with two students.  TMS students Ben & Elliot helped work on toy mobile cars for kids to custom fit them to students with disabilities, and custom fitted to the disability.  This program was supported through grant funding from BREC & OCF. They worked in collaboration and went on a field trip to Children’s Hospital. They were able to get a “practice car” they worked on, and then later a car for a particular student.  They gave a detailed presentation regarding the electrical work and specific physical modifications.
  1. PAX Coaching Support Grant for Bogan and Marshall - Joan Stidham
  • This is an initiative to focus on school climate.  We received $15K to be split between the 3 elementary buildings, and will also receive 30 weeks of support for teachers.  YEA!
  1. First Reading of Graded Course of Study for World Language and Social Studies - Joan Stidham
  • Joan Stidham shared the pertinent information.  THS will be providing several courses at THS for college credit in English and CCP Computer Aided Design.  In addition we will begin offering 2 stained glass courses at THS (this is one year in the making).
  • Nadja Hoffman shared new information regarding World Language options course of study first reading.  In addition to language skills we are helping students to become global citizens with additional cultural competency knowledge.  The areas are French and Spanish and they are using the 8 global themes and topics. They use these to also adapt to the individual learner, while also fitting the themes.  
    • Dr. Crowder asked a question about the apps...he wanted to know if the kids experiment with this.  Nadja explained they have explored this, but also emphasize the greater understanding of the language.  It’s important to also learn body language and gestures in the context of these languages.
  • Stephanie Aerni & Scott Whiteman shared information in social studies.  State Standards were slightly changed which increased the understanding of these standards and the connections to standards when looked at together.  A committee of middle school teachers worked collaboratively on this project, and they outlined that some of the changes include better clarification with historic events and related events or events leading up to major historical events that make sense.  At THS the changes were minor, but clarifying again some of the events. There are several positive examples and several courses have been added. The key was a clarification of documents, influence if documents, and the precedence of events. There is ls a greater focus on the post 9/11 view.  The state is now grouping constitutional amendments in common themes versus just by number. THS SS has 3 AP courses, as well as some exceptional electives Joan commended the secondary team for their preparation and extra time spent to prepare the courses for our students!
  1. Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
  • Dr. Pepper Stetler, her child has attended preschool at Kramer.  She wants the BOE to examine the proposed preschool schedule, which can result in grouping students, and specifically separate tuition students from other students.  They want diversity to be a priority in the class, and they would like the BOE to consider the contract with Butler County or the canceling of the contract.
  • Annie Dittman would like the BOE to institute random drug testing for teachers and administrators in Talawanda.
  • Mike Dittman shared he repeatedly has asked the BOE to control spending.  He would like the income tax to be changed to an earned income tax. He is worried about increases.  He believes taking a percent from pensions is wrong. He is concerned that PPE is too high and he compares TSD to Ross again this month and shares that TSD spends more per pupil than Ross.  He is concerned that TSD is struggling to cut $200K from the budget as per information from a previous work session.
  • Amy Shaiman is a also a preschool parent, and she complimented the student presentations this evening.  She is concerned that there are 3 positions being eliminated or not refilled...this is not supported by her and her friends.  She is concerned about the preschool changes and concerned greatly about transportation issues that may occur regarding moving the all-day program to Bogan.  She would like the BOE to reach out and discuss this issue with Butler County. She shared some written concerns from another preschool parent regarding Head Start.  She shared that TSD/BOE should consider rejecting the program currently proposed by Butler County.
  • Molly Farler, and Oxford resident and 3 students at Kramer, and all have been through the preschool system in our district.  She supports an inclusive classroom system and listed many benefits. She likes how families are more integrated with this model.  She shared experiences that her children shared with her. She liked how the experiences and exposure to students that are different from one another were beneficial to all students from her perspective.  She outlined some of the changes proposed. She is concerned that children will be “sorted” by ability to pay. She reinforced the concern about meals and transportation. She worries that this boils down to a money grab for Butler County.  She is greatly concerned about the elimination of 3 teachers at THS...she encourages the BOE to reconsider this. She is worried about how approximately 220 students would need to be absorbed into other classes because this would cause a potential elimination of 8 sections of courses.  She urges them to see that this is not a benefit to students or staff.
  • Becky Howard is a Reily Twp resident, former parent, and educator, and she urges the BOE to balance finances with an excellent education.  She is also concerned regarding the Butler County contract and the preschool program, and she wants to reiterate what others have said regarding the benefits of diversity of students within our classes.  She is also concerned about vacancies (3) already mentioned, and she is worried about the impact of class sizes, and the burdens it creates to the remaining staff. She encourages the BOE to demonstrate value for faculty and staff at TSD and the human factor that ensures educational excellence.
  • Jessica is concerned about the potential changing kindergarten birthdate start date.  She understands that this issue will be reviewed for action this evening. She understands that there is a recommendation for the date currently in place to offer a one year grandfather clause.  She is concerned as working parents how this might impact her family for next year.
  1. Reports
  2. Butler Technology & Career Development School Report - Lois Vollmer
  • Mrs. Vollmer reported that BT has been in the news, and she wanted to the community to know they serve 17,000 students in many programs.  She wants people to realize how large they are and the large impact they make on so many students. She also mentioned some of the renovations expanding educational spaces to support students in the future.  She also emphasized a program for students ready for the workforce. They just hosted graduation, and recognized a student who tragically passed away very recently. He was going into the construction industry.  She also mentioned Justice Brown, a local BT student who was recognized in the Journal recently.
  • Mr. Meade was given a short summary of the meeting Mrs. Vollmer attended with Mr. Graft.


  1. Legislative Liaison Report - Pat Meade
  • HB166, does not include the Cupp/Patterson proposal.  It won’t change our local money much, but there is some increases in some positive areas.  Some concerns regarding funneling money to Charter Schools. HB239 deals with testing and in OH considering testing to be lowered to the federal minimum.


Report of the Treasurer

  1. Report of the Treasurer
  2. Approval of Minutes - April 15, 2019 Regular Meeting- BLOCK A-H  approved 5-0
  3. Approval of Minutes - May 11, 2019 Work Session
  4. Approval of Gifts



$75.00 Gift Card for Purchase of Special Needs Technology


Oxford Community Found.

Sandy Hormell Community Book Celebration


Oxford Community Found.

8th Grade Washington DC Trip


Oxford Community Found.

Rotary Four-Way Speech Contest


  1. Approval of Financial Report for April 2019
  2. Approval of Appropriation Modifications (Different FUNC/OBJ)
  3. Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases (Same FUNC/OBJ)
  4. Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000
  5. Approval of May 2019 Five-Year Forecast


  1. Resolution to Approve the Contracts for the 2019-20 SY- approved 5-0


  1. Approval of Professional Design Services Agreement with Bayer & Becker- approved 5-0


  1. Marshall Update
  • Our lead PM (Ben Posey)has suffered a serious heart issue, and is out of commission temporarily.  
  1. Insurance Updates - OSP, Worker's Comp, BHP
  2. HB166 Update
  3. Performance Audit Follow-Ups
  4. Other Matters

Report of the Superintendent


  1. Approval of Certificated/Licensed Personnel- BLOCK A-C- approved 5-0
  2. Approval of Classified Personnel
  3. Approval of Supplemental Personnel (New THS Basketball Coach & Curriculum Coordinator


  1. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Retirement Stipend for Administrators- approved 5-0
  2. Approval of Student AUP & Staff AUP- approved 5-0
  3. Second Reading and Approval of Fee Schedule for the 2019/2020 School Year- approved 5-0
  4. Second Reading and Approval of Science Adoption - Joan Stidham- approved 5-0
  5. Second Reading and Approval of Policy Revision - Dennis Malone- approved 5-0
  6. Approval of 2019-20 Student Code of Conduct- approved 5-0
  7. THS Science & Social Studies Vacancies- 2 vacancies approved 5-0
  8. Informational Items
  • Graduation May 23- BOE meeting just before as traditionally done.
  • Strategic Plan is being finalized.
  • PD work session occurred on May 11.


  1. Items From the Board Members
  2. Items From the Board Members
  • Dr. Roberts shared that she has shared 6 leadership items with the group from a conference she recently attended.  She is interested to know if we belong to a group that helps families with children with behavioral illnesses. She learned a lot there and would like additional information and it is free.  She would like to see if can support the Parent Project we already have in place.
  • Mr. Otto complimented the Diversity event hosted at Kramer and planned by Mrs. Bucher and her team.
  • Mr.Meade complimented Dr. Theroux for his flexibility regarding the Kindergarten date issue, and would like more exploration about the preschool in the future.  He loved the FFA Banquet!
  • Dr. Roberts offered that the Senior Awards were very nice!  She mentioned that Mr. Meade’s granddaughter received some awards.


  1. Close of Meeting
  2. Future Board Events- Graduation - May 23rd (BOE start at 6:30pm) and ceremony at 7pm.

Next BOE mtg- June 17th

  1. Adjournment- 9:21pm


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