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June 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights

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June 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights

Jun 18, 2019


June 2019 Regular Meeting- BOE Meeting Highlights




Talawanda High School

7:00 p.m. Executive Session

7:30 p.m. Public Session

BOE Members:Mr. Mark Butterfield, President (absent), Dr. Mary Jane Roberts (running the meeting this evening), Vice President, Dr. Mike Crowder, Mr. Patrick Meade, Mr. Chris Otto

  1. Reconvene in Open Session
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Reports and Presentations
  2. Butler County Auditor Outreach Program - Michael Stein
  • Scanners at local gas stations are there so the auditor can check to make sure the machines are operating effectively.  The check ensures that when a person purchases a gallon of gas, they receive a gallon of gas.
  • 2020 reevaluation is underway.  Properties are being assessed now.
  • July 22, 2019 is the date of the first advance regarding the local settlement for property tax.


  1. Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
  • None this evening.


  1. Reports
  2. Butler Technology & Career Development School Report - Lois Vollmer
  • Mr. Portman attended the BT Board meeting, and the President of the Board was recognized that evening.  This is a very large territory (area 1) that BT is included in. BT was recognized for the 4 day school week, and the work program occurring on day 5.  This is considered very innovative. The BT Board recognized 5 retirees this year at their meeting.
  1. Legislative Liaison Report - Mary Jane Roberts


  • HB 166- the budget bill has many additions.  The kinds of things that have been added include things like commissions taking over public schools, and that is not going very well.  There is a push to return local control. The idea is to provide help, without taking them over. Local people working for local schools is very important.  
  • There is a bill, called the Valedictorian Bill (HB 210), and there is a legislator trying to mandate that every school in Ohio must have a Valedictorian.  Talawanda recently moved away from this and opted for the Latin Honors Program. Dr. Crowder would like to discuss this next month and would like to consider writing a resolution that would indicate that Talawanda will not support this move.  There is an issue with quality points and how they are determined by the state and this has to do with CCP credits. Talawanda through research has determined that the Latin Honors Program is a more fair system, and best suits our students and programs.


  1. Report of the Treasurer
  2. Approval of Minutes- Block 6A-I Approved 4-0
  3. Approval of Minutes

  1. Approval of Gifts


David Hughes

Kramer Elementary


Barbara Saunders

Book donation to TMS/THS




  1. Approval of Financial Report for May 2019
  2. Approval of Appropriation Modifications
  3. Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases
  4. Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000
  5. Approval of Final FY19 Appropriation Resolution
  6. Approval of Temporary FY20 Appropriation Resolution


  1. Approval of Contracted (Purchased) Services Agreements for FY20- $1.8 million over 10 contracts, Approved 4-0


  1. Sub HB166 Update
  • The Kasich budget held all school funding flat, but added funds for wellness programs, and the House is interested in adding significantly to the wellness/student success funding, however the Senate made $9 million in cuts to the proposal (siphoned off into vouchers and other programs).  For TSD this equates to an approximate $65K if passed. Mr. Davis is unsure how this will go.
  1. Auditor of State Performance Audit Follow-Up
  • TSD is in deficit spending, and not likely to pick up a lot of revenue moving forward.  
  1. Marshall Update
  • The project is structurally balanced coming out of the design phase.  The project will move towards developing the construction documents to proceed.  There will be conversations coming up to determine the schedule.
  1. Property/Casualty/Liability Renewal
  • TSD just renewed the contract and saved 2%.
  1. Other Matters
  • Mr. Davis mentioned that Paula Erik Doan passed away.  THS is built on the Erik Farm, and she was the last living member of the family.
  • TSD will be receiving 9 new buses.


  1. Report of the Superintendent
  2. Approval of Certificated/Licensed Personnel- Approved 4-0
  3. Approval of Classified Personnel-
  • The BOE will rescind the vote taken at the May BOE meeting due to an error.  Approved 4-0
  • The BOE will vote to approve a 3 year contract extension (per list)- Approved 3-0, Mr. Meade abstained.
  • The BOE will vote to approve a 3 year contract extension (per list)- Approved 3-0, Mr. Otto abstained.
  1. Approval of Supplemental Personnel- Block- 7B1-4, and 7C- Approved 4-0


  1. Approval of Two-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement/Employment Contract between TCSD and Talawanda Education Association (TEA)- Approved 4-0


  1. Approval of Two-Year Collective Bargaining Agreement/Employment contract between TCSD and Talawanda Classified Staff Association- Approved 4-0


  1. Approval of MOU Between the TCSD and the TEA- Block 7F-I- Approved 4-0
  2. Approval of Affiliateship Agreement with Miami University
  3. Approval of Final Forms Electronic Registration System Agreement
  4. Approval of Calendar Revision for 2019-2020 SY (March 10, 2020 will be an election day and we will not host school for students)


  1. Informational Items
  • The NEW Strategic Plan has been completed and now we are finalizing the written document.  The final plan will be unveiled to the public at the beginning of the next school year.
  • Dr. Theroux outlined the plan for the full scale safety exercise taking place tomorrow 6/18/19.
  • PVA will be the location of a community conversation on June 19th at 4pm.
  • Please note the July BOE meeting will take place on July 8, 2019.


  1. Items From the Board Members
  • Dr. Roberts is pleased to hear about the conversations at PVA.
  • Mr. Meade mentioned that Kramer 1st grade teachers have taken food to students at PVA and the Oxford Mobile Home Community.  He hopes they can be made aware of the event at PVA.
  • Dr. Crowder mentioned a book by Sandra McGuire (several books and wonderful strategies) written for students who are struggling to learn better, master material, learn to study.  He mentioned that he is interested in her work and wanted to share with everyone. Dr. Roberts hopes that maybe the group can discuss a book study.


  1. Close of Meeting
  2. Future Board Events-  July 8, 2019 & August 19, 2019
  3. Adjournment- 8:45pm


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