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Important COVID Update- 8/20/21

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Important COVID Update- 8/20/21

Aug 20, 2021
We have had some questions in regard to the COVID19 procedures and protocols.  There have been changes to these procedures and protocols and we feel it is important to clarify.
Talawanda School District has a mask mandate in place for all students, staff and visitors per the August 16, 2021 Board of Education meeting.
Butler County Health Department will quarantine and isolate students, staff, and visitors when there is a direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID19 if...
a. Masks are not worn or worn improperly (they need to be above the nose and covering the mouth), and the individuals were within 6 feet of distance and there was at least 15 minutes of contact.
b. One person wore a mask and one person did not wear a mask and were within 6 feet of distance for 15 minutes of contact or more.
c. All individuals who have tested positive for COVID19 will be isolated by BCHD.
d. When 2 individuals are within 3 feet of each other for more than 15 minutes, and unvaccinated, regardless of masks.
Butler County Health Department will not quarantine and isolate individuals if...
a. The person is fully vaccinated (after 2 weeks of second dose) and wears a mask properly.
b. All individuals are wearing a mask at all times and have at least 3 feet of separation.
Talawanda School District will assist BCHD with contact tracing and notifications.
Talawanda School District will work with BCHD on all COVID19 matters.
Individuals may test on day 5, 6 or 7 from their last contact with a positive person.  If the individual has a negative COVID19 test on day 5, 6 or 7, the individual may return on day 8.  The test results must be submitted to the school.
Any individual who exhibits COVID19 symptoms should not come to school until cleared.  
ExtraCurricular Activities (including Athletics)...
These activities are a high risk.  Families who engage understand and accept the risks. 
All must wear masks when indoors when not actively participating.
Spectatorship has not been limited at this time.
If the individuals do not wear masks 100% of the time, they will be considered not wearing a mask and subject to the 6 feet rule and 15 minutes.
OHSAA as well as Talawanda strongly recommend that all students who have tested positive receive a medical clearance (as recommended by OHSAA) for any heart ailments before returning.
The school nurse and BCHD will make all final decisions.  There will be unique situations that may result in a different outcome.
Please note:  the COVID19 protocols and procedures continue to evolve.  There may be different procedures and protocols in the future.  We appreciate your understanding as we continue to do our best to navigate these very complicated issues.
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