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High Level of Illness in TSD Schools

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High Level of Illness in TSD Schools

Jan 31, 2024

High Level of Illness in TSD Schools:

January 31, 2024


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


We are experiencing an uptick in illnesses in our buildings.  We have many students and staff who are ill and absent.  We are approaching the 20% or more absenteeism rate that triggers us to consider the spread of the illness, staff coverage of classrooms, and safety concerns associated with the illness.  


We may need to close one or more buildings due to illness.


We are notifying you so that you may have time to prepare for any childcare that may be needed.  If the illness rate continues and progresses, we may need to make the difficult decision to close one or more buildings as early as this week.  


Closing the building will allow us to stop the spread of illnesses in our building, ensure students and staff are safe, and have all classrooms covered.


Currently, ALL of our five buildings are seeing COVID, respiratory illnesses, strep throat, headaches, fevers, and vomiting.  


We want to remind families that students should be fever-free for at least 24 hours (without any fever reducing medication).  Students who are vomiting should also not come to school.  Students who are exhibiting illness should stay home.  Students with COVID should follow COVID protocols and stay home 5 days and then wear a mask for the next 5 days.  If you have any questions, please contact our nurses.  


Our goal is to keep our buildings open.  Thank you for your help!  


In Education,


Dr. Edward Theroux

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