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Governor DeWine Extends School Closures to May 1, 2020

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Governor DeWine Extends School Closures to May 1, 2020

Mar 30, 2020

March 30, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:


Governor Mike DeWine announced today that schools will continue to be closed through May 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 health crisis. At that time the situation in Ohio will be reevaluated.


We know and understand that the order presents some challenges for our families. Please know that Talawanda  is working diligently to partner with you in furthering your child’s education and well-being. 


What does this mean for our students?

Although our school buildings are to remain closed, remote learning will continue. We will continue to adjust and administer our virtual learning plans and expectations, provide student services and resources to the best of our ability, and distribute free meals to our students.


Will school staff be working?

Yes, our school district is providing food and remote learning options to children. Administrators are actively planning and responding to this national health crisis. Teachers are creating lesson plans and engaging with their students remotely.

During scheduled school days, administrators and teachers will be available via email from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon to support our parents and students. Teachers and building principals will be sharing news and updates via email, and also sharing remote learning plans and expectations with parents and students on an ongoing basis. Any student or parent that is having difficulty accessing online learning should email their building principal.


What about food service?

Food distribution is ongoing despite the stay-at-home orders and will remain in place throughout the remainder of the school closure. Staff will continue to comply with the most current health guidelines.  Talawanda provides breakfast and lunch to cover each day, and meals are distributed Mondays and Fridays at a variety of convenient community locations. TSD Meal Distribution Program

What about mental health support?

Our professionals are reaching out to families to ensure they have open lines of communication during the closure, and to make alternative plans if necessary. Our counselors will be monitoring emails and reaching out to our school families in need.


What does this mean for graduation?

Our high school administration and teachers will be working together to ensure that students in the Class of 2020 are on track to graduate. The district is waiting to receive more guidance from the Ohio Department of Education. Know that we will work together to provide assistance and flexibility in the interest of doing what is right for students. 


What about state testing?

Ohio State Testing has been waived for the 2019-2020 school year, and Ed-Choice vouchers have been postponed for one year.


What about services to students with disabilities?
Our schools are making a good faith effort to provide such services. If a student with a disability cannot access the alternate delivery models being offered to general education students, then the district will consult with parents and/or caregivers to determine the needs of the student and identify the most appropriate means for meeting those needs during the closure period. 



Talawanda administrators are here to answer any questions that parents and students may have during this unprecedented time.  For all questions related to your child’s assignments, please email your child’s teacher or the building principal. 


We will continue to share important information and updates regarding COVID-19 on our district website, through our all-call system, and via social media channels.  We are experiencing a health crisis that none of us has experienced in our lifetime. There will be bumps along the way, but your child’s teachers, counselors, building principals, and our support staff are here to work with our families to support you and your children!

This community is a wonderful, kind, and giving community, and we all have witnessed a tremendous amount of generosity these past few weeks.  Take care, and know that we will make it through this crisis together.

In Education,
Dr. Edward Theroux


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