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Gifted Service Information Update: Grades 3-5

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Gifted Service Information Update: Grades 3-5

Mar 23, 2023

March 23, 2023


Dear Talawanda Families, 


As Talawanda continues to work through the budget crisis, it has become necessary to begin making cuts approved by the Board of Education.  As of the fall of 2023, GRIT classes will be eliminated. The GRIT teachers will be reassigned to other classrooms. We are very sorry that gifted services will no longer be available to our gifted students in grades 3-5. 


As approved by our Board, the 3 year plan to reduce $5.3 million dollars includes the elimination of gifted services.  Federal and state law requires districts to identify students who meet the gifted criteria, but do not have to provide services.  For the Fall of 2023, we will have openings at the elementary level which permits the district to shift staff and save positions for these staff members.  We know gifted services and programs are valuable, but need to make these changes due to our fiscal constraints.


Beginning with the 2023- 2024 school year, gifted services in Talawanda will occur only in grades 6-12. Once your student is in 6th grade at TMS, he/she will be automatically enrolled in advanced math and/or ELA classes, according to his/her gifted identification. 


Please rest assured that we have amazing teachers in Talawanda who will work diligently to meet your child’s needs in the regular classroom. We appreciate your support as we make these difficult decisions. 


In Education,


Dr. Edward Theroux


Dr. Edward Theroux

Talawanda Superintendent

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