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December 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights

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December 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights

Dec 17, 2019

December 2019- Board of Education Meeting Highlights



Talawanda High School

7:00 p.m. Executive Session

7:30 p.m. Public Session

Mr. Mark Butterfield, President, Dr. Mary Jane Roberts, Vice President, Dr. Mike Crowder, Mr. Patrick Meade, Mr. Chris Otto


  1. Opening of Meeting
  2. Roll Call
  3. Executive Session
  4. Executive Session
  5. Reconvene in Open Session
  6. Approval of Agenda (includes amendments to minutes)
  7. Pledge of Allegiance
  8. Resolutions/Presentations
  9. Kramer Elementary School Presentation - Jason Merz
  • This year’s theme at Kramer…”Why Not?” an effort to focus on thinking outside of the box.  When looking at innovative practices...they explored “flexible seating” (students sit where they choose).  This ties into the social emotional learning and development...students are moving and learning and learning from each other as well as from the teacher.  Some desks have been modified to be “standing desks” or desks that go nearly all the way to the ground. Students feel empowered, it’s good for their physical health, good for collaboration, and they are creating community.
  • Kramer has started a breakfast club and each Wednesday students come over from PVA around 8:30am (walked over by Kramer adults) and the students also receive a story read to them and homework help.  Approximately 25 students live in PVA, but other students have been invited as well.
  • Third Friday is a day that covers topics like STEM, bus disciplines, technology apps, strategic plan work, scavenger hunts, team building, data analysis/report card.   The topic is generated based on needs and wants...and is decided about a week before.
  • A good example of a team building activities was “human hungry hungry hippo”...LOL
  • Trust and Learning for all, are key to the success at Kramer!
  1. Fall Athletics Update - Wes Cole
  • Dalton Norris, Ainsley Clark, Hannah Lippincott SWOC Athletes of the Year (Keifer Bell was unable to attend).
  • THS had an additional 45 athletes this fall (already up 30 athletes from last year for Winter Sports) (some think they elimination of pay-to-participate could be a reason).
  • 3.74 GPA is the average for THS athletes, and over 40% had a 4.0!!!
  • Boys Golf, Girls Cross Country (3X), Boys Cross Country were all SWOC Champs!
  • Girls Golf, Girls Soccer, Girls Tennis all second place finishes in the league.
  • THS is currently 1st in the SWOC!
  • Dalton Norris Defensive Player of the Year- Football, 1st Team All SWOhio, D2 Second Team All- Ohio
  • Paul Stiver and Missy Friede were Coaches of the Year!
  • Boys Cross Country qualified for the regional meet.
  • Dylan Slager (golf) qualified for a regional match as well.
  • Girls Cross Country were district champs!
  • Larry Cox (football) was D2 South West Coach of the Year!
  • Kiefer Bell qualified for the state meet in Cross Country.
  • Sophie Pohlabel signed for Soccer- IU East
  • January 11th will be the BRAVE BOOSTER BASH
  • Dalton, Ainsley, and Hannah shared about their experiences this year.  Highlights include beating Edgewood in football, focusing on team play versus individuals in girls soccer and the older girls mentor the younger girls, Girls Cross Country exceeded their own expectations for this year and they loved the Centerville Night Meet!
  • This Saturday- at THS is a day of many basketball events!
  1. Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
  • David Annable and Matt Lykins recognize and thank the many years of Service from Mr. Butterfield and Dr. Crowder, as this evening is their last school board meeting.  
  • Angie DelVecchio, TSD parent, wanted to speak to the BOE on behalf of Mr. Hunsche, former THS Art teacher, and wanted to recognize him for his support for her daughter.
  • Ryan DelVecchio, THS student wanted the board to know that she and some of her classmates in AP Art miss Mr.Hunsche, and she is sad to not have him here to help with her portfolio.
  • Tomoko Brown, TSD parent, and she was present last month when the board accepted Mr. Hunsche’s resignation.  She shared that she has heard that he had experienced some unruly students in class, and she believes those students have taken advantage of him, and that due to this trouble she has heard he was forced to resign.  She believes that he is a “laid back” teacher, and this style has worked well for her child. Her daughter takes both orchestra and art and this is very important to her. She is concerned that the resignation was accepted too quickly.  She is concerned that he and the students who took advantage of him did not receive enough support from TSD. She knows some people have had meetings with Mr. York about this, and she has not requested this because she understands personnel issues are often not discussed in detail.  She wants everyone to know she is thankful for Mr. Hunsche...for his style and service.
  • Pam Hodgson, TSD parent, also wanted to speak to the board regarding Mr. Hunsche.  She knows him best through MLL and through his family. She is concerned that Mr. Hunsche has been misunderstood and that students seeking out his room as a safe place have also been misunderstood.  She believes that he was taken advantage of by some students while he stepped out of his classroom, and that this has caused him damage. She believes he has not been treated fairly for being “too supportive” of students, and she does not believe that the allegations she has heard are “fireable” offenses.  She has only heard good things about him and would like the district to bring him back to his position.
  • Mike Dittman thanked the board for their service and especially Mr. Butterfield and Dr. Crowder, as this is their last meeting.  He is concerned about district spending and indicated TSD is more expensive than neighboring districts. He is worried that performance and costs do not align.  He shared that Lakota is already making plans to address deficit spending. He is concerned that per pupil expenditure is too high in TSD.
  • Teresa Sullivan, Mr. Hunsche’s mother-in-law, shared that she and their family are thankful for the kind words that were shared this evening on his behalf.  She is surprised by what has happened in just a few months, after years of good reviews, and she encourages the district to rethink their methods and practices.  She is a retired teacher and is very surprised that TSD did not offer more support to him, and suggested that he could have been offered more support and guidance on discipline techniques.  She is concerned that teachers who have been in the district for 14 years can be treated this way.
  • Kelsey Hunsche, Mr. Hunsche’s wife, wanted to thank community members for their support, and she doesn’t understand what has happened over the past few months, and she is concerned regarding the decision that resulted in Mr. Hunsche’s resignation.  
  1. Reports
  2. Butler Technology & Career Development School Report - Lois Vollmer
  • No Report
  1. Legislative Liaison Report - Pat Meade
  • Mr. Meade encourages support to make changes for Ed Choice in Ohio.


  1. Report of the Treasurer
  2. Approval of Minutes (Dr. Crowder was absent) motion passes 4-0, 1 abstain
  3. Approval of Gifts- BLOCKED 6B-6F- Approved 5-0



Jorden Buis

Large Gait Trainer

Valued at $1000.00 

Oxford Cares

Shoes for the Shoeless Program


Reily Presbyterian Women's Society

Lunch charges for Marshall students






  1. Approval of Financial Report for November 2019
  2. Approval of Appropriation Modifications
  3. Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases
  4. Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000


  1. Approval of President Pro-Tem for the 2020 Organizational Meeting
  • A person to serve as the temporary President for the Organizational Meeting until the officers are selected at that time.  Dr. Roberts is willing to serve as the President for the purpose of the Organizational Meeting.  
  1. Approval of Proposal from Heapy Engineering for ME Design Services for TMS Boiler Replacement.
  • The team would begin to design the replacement and the estimated cost is $25,250.00.  They have outlived their life expectancy, and they hope to do the work over the summer.
  • Approved 5-0
  1. Update on $28.4MM General Obligation Bond Refunding
  • The deal closed on 12/4/19.  
  1. Insurance Update
  • Open enrollment for health benefits has closed and 296 are enrolled, and 315 in dental enrollment.  
  • Mr. Davis will serve as Chair and this will require some travel to Toledo for meetings.
  1. Peterman Cost Savings ($11K)
  • He has negotiated to pay an “early discount program” that creates an $11K savings.
  • There are some additional costs coming up with hours that are outside of the base contract.
  1. Audit Update
  • The next step is the audited statements.  
  1. Marshall Update
  • Some local vendors have been involved in the bidding and it appears that some of the dollars will be kept local as a result.  The bids are a bit high, but he believes the numbers are coming down as the drawings are being looked at more closely.
  • Presently things are on schedule.
  • Regarding the water main, the district is waiting to hear from ODOT.
  1. Other Matters
  • Mr. Davis is scheduled to speak at TMS tomorrow regarding fiscal responsibility.


  1. Report of the Superintendent
  2. Approval of Certificated/Licensed Personnel- BLOCK 7A-7C motion passes 5-0
  3. Approval of Classified Personnel
  4. Approval of Supplemental Personnel


  1. Approval of Resolution Opposing the State of Ohio Ed-Choice Scholarship (Voucher) Program
  • Many other districts are formulating resolutions opposing Ed-Choice, along with BASA and ODE. They also are requesting changes to the Ohio School Report Card.
  • TSD has one school involved in this (although there are over 400 state wide), and that is Bogan Elementary.
  • If students take advantage of the Ed-Choice Scholarships public schools will suffer greatly financially.
  • Resolution Approved 5-0


  1. Approval of Miami Little League Organization Banner Placement- Approved with the stipulation that all banner wording and logos must be pre-approved by TSD administration prior to being hung for display - Approved 5-0
  2. Approval to Commence Video Taping of BOE Meetings
  • There is a cost to updating the audio equipment, and there will be a cost to have student personnel video/audio record the videotaping.
  • Dr. Crowder moved to have this issue tabled until the costs and record keeping questions can be addressed appropriately.  
  • Issue will be tabled to the next meeting.
  1. Approval of Overnight Student Trip Proposal for High School Cheer Nationals Championship in Orlando, Florida- BLOCK 7G & 7H- Approved 5-0 with the understanding that students are aware of the “homework makeup policy”.
  2. Approval of Overnight Field Trip Proposal for Ohio Model United Nations Conference in Columbus, OH


  1. School-Linked Health Services Update
  • Mr. Squance is active with other assigned duties as the district is building the health services program...this is new and school social workers are still working with families and are still updating forms so students have access.
  1. Informational Items
  • Thank you to Mr. Butterfield and Dr. Crowder for their service!
  • Holiday Break begins Friday and student return January 6th!
  1. Items From the Board Members
  2. Items From the Board Members
  • Dr. Roberts thanked Mr. Butterfield and Dr. Crowder for their service and assistance to her when she became a board member.
  • Cold Nights-Bright Lights program was amazing and Dr. Roberts is very impressed with Talawanda Fine Arts!
  • Dr. Crowder thanked the past BOE members he has worked with and everyone’s devotion to the community and schools.  He has worked with 3 superintendents and 1 treasurer and he appreciates all of their work. Working on behalf of kids is so rewarding.
  • Mr. Butterfield joined the board in 2003 and was interested due to his own children and fiscal responsibility, and he has appreciated the relationship with TSD and TEA.  He is happy about the diversity of the team and that this has brought strength to the board. He wishes everyone in TSD well!
  1. Close of Meeting
  2. Future Board Events

January 13, 2020 – Organizational Meeting


January 27, 2020  



  1. Adjournment- 9:25pm


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