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BOE Meeting Policy Update- Public Participation

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BOE Meeting Policy Update- Public Participation

May 15, 2023

Policy Update #PO-0169.1- Public Participation

The Talawanda Board of Education values parents and community members and encourages participation in the form of public participation at monthly business meetings.TSD BOE Meetings are videotaped.Policies governing public participation are designed to support communication between the Board and the community.The following rules are in place to support and guide this process:

  • Speakers MUST sign-up prior to the start of the meeting on the public participation sign-up form, which will be located in a clear and designated area.
  • Speakers must provide their name, address, and topic on the sign-up form.
  • The opportunity to sign-up will close once the meeting is called to order.
  • Speakers will be recognized by the presiding officer of the meeting at their turn to speak.
  • Any person having a legitimate interest in the actions of the BOE may participate.
  • Speakers must state their name, address, and topic before sharing their comments with the BOE.
  • Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person.
  • Speakers must address the BOE members, not the audience or other staff that may be present.
  • No interviews are to be conducted while the BOE is in session.
  • Speakers shall not be disruptive and shall behave appropriately for the school environment.
  • Audio and video recordings are not permitted without the prior permission of the Superintendent.
  • The presiding officer reserves the right to interrupt, warn, terminate a speaker's time/comments, request law enforcement to remove a disorderly person, and/or call a recess to regain order to the meeting.
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