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BOE Meeting Highlights- February 2018

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BOE Meeting Highlights- February 2018

Mar 5, 2018

February 2018

Board of Education Meeting Summary


  1. Opening of Meeting
  2. Roll Call
  3. Executive Session
  4. Executive Session
  5. Reconvene in Open Session
  6. Approval of Agenda


  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
  • Anytime Fitness submitted a check to TSD for the “21 day challenge”.
  • Kathy McMahon-Klosterman shared a statement and asked questions of the Board regarding their individual thoughts/opinions regarding the THS mascot.
  • Kathy Brinkman shared her concerns regarding the THS mascot.
  • John Jones (OPD Chief, but here as a parent this evening), shared a statement regarding safety and shared his safety concerns.  He shared information regarding the significant support provided to school safety by local OPD, and he is in support of adding an additional SRO.  He also wanted to emphasize the meeting in the THS Media Center of March 1st Safety Meeting. Local police and fire representatives will be available to address community safety.
  1. Resolutions/Presentations
  • Recognition of Marsha McQueen - Nominee for Oxford Citizen of the Year
  • TSD/MU Partnership Programs - Mrs. Pearson's Third Grade Class
    • Student led learning presentation- technology driven presentation- student research project defining questions/issues/problems, and working towards solutions, and displaying emergent learning skills.  The students did an outstanding job and are likely to change the world!
  1. Reports
  2. Butler Technology & Career Development School Report - Lois Vollmer
  • BT recently hosted their annual organizational meeting.
  • Bio-Science summer camp options are being explored with BCESC.
  • There are new representatives joining the board from the various school systems.
  • BT I-Tech students gave the presentation that they also shared with the United Nations (Ross HS & South Korea students).  This presentation is regarding a food truck that will serve low income areas.
  • The Paramedic Academy graduated 17 students, and 14 HVACR students.
  1. Legislative Liaison Report - Mary Jane Roberts
  • There are discussions about safety, and she shared she is hearing from parents that there is concern about our Ohio schools looking like prisons.  Mental health needs to be an area of focus.
  • For more information- and also an anonymous tip line.


  1. Report of the Treasurer
  2. Approval of Minutes - January 8, 2018 Organizational Meeting- Block 6A-I- approved 5-0
  3. Approval of Minutes - January 29, 2018 Work Session
  4. Approval of Minutes - February 19, 2018 Special Session
  5. Approval of Gifts



Bogan Elementary -

Settlement of Past Due Lunch Balances


Miami University - Delta/Phi Mu and Kappa/TKE

Bogan Elementary School


Oxford LaRosa's

Marshall SOAR Program


Kathy Fishburn

Success Outreach Fund


Christy & Todd Milders

Success Outreach Fund



  1. Approval of Financial Report for January 2018
  2. Approval of Appropriation Modifications (Same FUNC/OBJ)
  3. Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases (Different FUNC/OBJ)
  4. Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000
  5. Approval of College Credit Plus Payment Rates/Contracts


  1. Construction Project Updates-
  • Kramer is near the end of the total project and is $140K under budget.  The Kramer projectors continue to be an issue and are being worked on.
  • The Marshall project continues to progress.  Construction management firms are being evaluated.
  1. Energy Optimization Update
  • Walk through with Heapy Engineering and other firms to determine needs at Bogan.  In addition FY17 energy usage report is available.
  1. BHP/OHI Update
  • Several teachers/staffers are working hard in the 21 day challenge.
  • Clinic concept may begin as early as March or April (Hamilton location).
  1. Public Records Training for BOE
  2. FY17 Year-End Audit Update- No audit findings- clean audit.
  3. Other Matters
  4. Report of the Superintendent
  5. Approval of Certificated/Licensed Personnel-
  • Ed Theroux- Superintendent Candidate 2 year contract to begin August 1, 2018- approved 5-0
  1. Approval of Classified Personnel
  2. Approval of Supplemental Personnel- Block A2-B1-B2-B3-C1- approved 4-0 (1 abstain)

  1. Approval of Classified Evaluation Form-
  2. Second Reading of Two-Year Calendar Proposal- see approved calendar
  3. OSBA A-Z Checklist Update
  • BOE completed the A-Z checklist.  Board members will receive awards for service and collaboration during the program.
  1. Approval of Overnight Field Trip for THS Students Attending Scholastic Press Convention at Columbia University- Block D,E, G only- approved- 5-0


  1. School Safety Update
  • Mrs. Spivey thanked law enforcement and principals for their service and dedication to safety in TSD.  A functional drill will take place on August 31, 2018.
  • Mrs. Spivey has recommended full-time SRO’s for TMS & THS, and a rotating officer for the elementary buildings.
  • Student Advisory shared concerns with Mrs. Spivey about safety, other school climate issues, and the THS mascot.


  1. Informational Items
  • Community Advisory 8:30am on March 27th.  Legislators have been invited and we anticipate two will be in attendance.
  • Mrs. Spivey recently presented at a BASA regarding networking and communication.
  • In CCP- any students receiving a “D” will be put on academic probation.  This will impact their ability to re-enroll.
  • 7 positions will be open in TSD for next year.
  • Excellent Educator Banquet on April 24th.
  • Sarah Roche is receiving National Recognition for -National ITEEA.
  • Athletics- Request to invest more in the LaCrosse helmets and guards.  
  • Discussion regarding videotaping BOE meetings.
  1. Items From the Board Members
  2. Items From the Board Members
  • Dr. Crowder-Swimming Season is going well, but no state qualifiers.
  • Dr. Roberts- Learned about safety in a presentation from Chief Jones, particularly the Good Samaritan Law.  There was also a focus on the drain on city resources in keeping up with the EMS calls from Miami students.
  • Mr. Meade welcomed Mr. Theroux.  He also expressed support for SRO’s in every building.  He wants the district to think on how best to utilize the SRO’s.
  1. Close of Meeting
  2. Future Board Events-March 26, 2018
  3. Adjournment- 9pm


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