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BOE- February Meeting Highlights

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BOE- February Meeting Highlights

Feb 10, 2017

February 2017- Board of Education Meeting Summary




TSD Celebrates STEM!


STEM Update: Sarah Roche K-2 STEM

  • 3-5 grades 24 hours of STEM per cycle

  • Beginning a Buddy Program to expand to K-2 children, delivered by 3-5 students

  • Ms. Roche co-teaches the lessons with the regular classroom teachers

  • Utilizing collaborative learning spaces at Kramer

  • Completed an “Engineering Design Process”

  • Utilizing the designs with the #D printers

  • Using a webcam to project designs onto the TV

  • Roanoke VA STEM conference- Hummingbird Robotics, Makey Makey, Tinker are the 3 presentations they will present

  • Logo Robotics 5-8 graders were provided a STEM information night, 36 totals students have joined the program

    • They designed their own t-shirts:-)

    • The teams competed in a regional competition (1 team advanced to the tip 30%)


STEM at TMS:  Ryan Barter

  • Teaching communication and collaboration skills in STEM...for the future

  • 8th graders went to a STEM Event at Miami Middletown- some highlights included a “virtual reality set”

  • It is helping students explore options other than 4 year college programs in career tech, and highlighting some programs at Butler Tech

  • Also utilizing the 3D printers and the sewing machines in their “Maker Space”

  • There is collaboration between a 5th grade class at Marshall and 8th graders via computer

  • CAD and auto-desk-adventure is also being explored

  • THS also has a Maker Space and an Engineering Class (CCP option)

  • Adrianne Ruther received a sustainability award for her work with students on the THS outdoor classroom/wetlands area

STEM at THS:  Andy Zimmerman

Digital Productions

  • Provide real world experience- ICRC TV partnership.  Our kids perform work as a real production crew.  The live broadcasts are amazing!

  • NEW HD cameras working with professional equipment (worth a $ half million)

  • Live broadcasts of select events at THS

  • Add design and graphic media design for businesses

  • Pixel art design

  • Shape repetition design

  • The students designed the marketing and advertising for the THs Theater department productions this year

Game Design/Programming

  • WRAITH (founder is a a Fairfield grad) came to work directly with students

  • Second level class working with Sinclair College- coding in 3D programming in javascript

  • ZULAMA- free course today...collaboration with BCESC


District Policy Update:  Dennis Malone

  • Tobacco free update- tobacco prohibited 24/7

    • Consequences of using tobacco on campus

    • Public attendance at school events- NO SMOKING or TOBACCO

  • School Safety Update

  • Evaluation Systems- For counselors (follows the system like OTES)

  • Crowd funding- must be approved by either a school administrator/superintendent)

  • Technology- minor correction...a line was struck regarding the makeup of the district committee


Board Liaison Reports


Lois Vollmer- Butler Tech- Organization meeting

  • Policy on graduation will likely change into one large graduation (Fairfield HS) May 17th

  • The BT Board will host a spring Retreat


MJ Roberts- Legislative

  • ESSA- Continue to review the full draft, and she encourages everyone to review it online and to reach out to elected officials with concerns


Regular BOE Meeting:


Treasurer Report Highlights:

  • Kramer Auction- February 11th at 10am

  • Kramer Abatement starts on Wednesday February 15th

  • Still looking for organizations that might be interested in the extra dirt harvested from the Kramer site

  • Kasich Budget- The Governor has advertised a 2% increase across the state for public schools.  Kasich is interested in possibly eliminating “the guarantee”, TSD presently looks like they will stay on the guarantee for the present time.  He is also looking at transportation funding for some schools.  TSD will NOT experience an increase in 2018, nor receive a reduction in funds

  • Storage (pole barn) for THS.  Cap of $65K project cost.  The district has 2 bids.

  • Amtrak Station in the community- 909 Collins Run Rd is the desired site

  • Tax Incentive Financing- TIF- trading tax revenues to pay to develop a property- Introduction to the potential concept

  • The TSD Treasurer’s office is working towards going paperless


Superintendent Report:


  • The TMS Bel Canto Trip has been approved for the Competition Chicago.  Approved!

  • State Testing structure regarding over-testing/graduation requirements/ESSA

  • Superintendents across Ohio have made recommendations regarding amending the K-3 literacy piece, report card structure (opposing the lowering the sub-group numbers), amendments to the attendance guidelines.  Ohio has dropped from #5 to #26, and are not following recommendations that could help this issue

  • Graduation Requirements concerns...on 2/23/17 there is a meeting to discuss other possible suggestions for changes to this

  • Strategic Plan Updates and Request:

    • There may be a recommendation for Gifted funds and assessments.  This may include information regarding a data-system platform.

    • FYI...our district smartboards are reaching the end-of life phase in some buildings

    • We may look into cyber insurance

    • We are looking into a student registration software


Information Items for Board


Next Meeting March 27th


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