BOE August Meeting Highlights
August 2017- Board of Education Meeting Summary
- Opening of Meeting
- Roll Call
- Executive Session
- Executive Session
- Reconvene in Open Session
- Approval of Agenda
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Welcome to Visitors and Public Participation
Public Participation:
- Holli Morrish provided an update on electronic student registration, sharing a few positive comments from parents! Parents in the community seem to really appreciate this initiative.
- Resolutions/Presentations
- New School Year Video - Kelly Spivey- Highlights/Photos including photos of new staff, new technology systems, new buses, and photos from the new school year staff professional development.
- Reports
- Butler Technology & Career Development School Report - Lois Vollmer- The Butler Tech 10th Grade Academy for 2017-2018 school year is taking applications (currently 151 for the program) with 75 spots available. There will be a potential expansion of the science building, with 4 acres available and possible negotiations with a neighboring farm.
- Legislative Liaison Report - Mary Jane Roberts- Senator Joe Schiavoni initiated SN Bill 175, if passed it would ensure that schools would get money back from charter schools initiatives. Also, she will continue to watch what will happen with the pre-K money and how it will be used in the state of Ohio.
- Report of the Treasurer
- Approval of Minutes- Approved 4-0 (Mr. Butterfield abstained)
- Approval of Gifts- Block 6B- 6F- Approved 5-0
- Approval of Financial Report for July 2017
- Approval of Appropriation Modifications
- Approval of Appropriation Increases/Decreases
- Approval of Then & Now Over $3,000
- Approval of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)Foster Care Transportation Plan and Agreement to Ensure School Stability- Approved 5-0
- Approval of Contract for Transportation Services with UTS for the 2017-2018 School Year- Approved 5-0
- THS Pole Barn Update- The storage barn has been completed, and is in use and was completed on budget. Mr. Hubbard has a plan to keep it in order.
- Bogan Bond Refunding/Marshall COPS Update- $12 million refunding plan, rates are at historical lows and will save $750K in savings over 14 years.
- FY17 Year-End Audit Update- The auditor has begun working. They are currently reviewing the federal grants to TSD. It will be completed by December.
- BHP/OHI Update- The rates for 2018 will take place later this month, and we will be using a new accounting firm coming up.
- Sequestration Update (6.6%) As Of 10/1/17 - THS BABs (Build America Bonds)- We will pay $42K more, but less than originally predicted.
- Other Matters-
- Report of the Superintendent
- Certificated/Licensed Personnel- Approved 5-0
- Approval of Classified Personnel- Approved 5-0
- Approval of Supplemental Personnel- Approved 4-0 (Dr. Crowder abstained)
- Approval of Consultant Contract with Pat Stephens for 2017/2018 School Year- Approved 5-0
- Informational Items- Report Card updates are coming soon. The FFA program will share a report next month.
- Items From the Board Members
- Items From the Board Members
- Close of Meeting
- Future Board Events- September 11, 2017 @ THS
- Adjournment