District Blog
District Blog
Letter from Dr. Theroux
February 3, 2023
TSD Parents:
I want to take this opportunity to address some of the rumors and discussions that have come to my attention in the past few days in regard to plans and proposals...
Congratulations Mock Trial Team!
Congratulations to THS's Mock Trial teams for their outstanding performances at the University of Cincinnati's High School Mock Invitational on 1/8/23. THS Team On the Docket took second place in the...

School Board Recognition Month- January 2023
January is OSBA-School Board Recognition Month!
Talawanda School Board Members will be recognized at the regular business meeting on January 12, 2023!

Talawanda-Preschool Information & Application
Safety Training Video Information
TSD Parents:
Today I am sharing the Talawanda Safety Video with you. We wanted to share this information to keep our families in the loop regarding safety and security measures in our district and c...
Veterans Program- LIVE STREAM
TSD Lunch Debt Policy
Charge Policy: Outstanding Lunch Balances
Students may only borrow for reimbursable meals, breakfast and/or lunch. Students are expected to repay this charge within the next school day, with a ma...
Class at the Court- 2022
On Friday, November 11, our students once again have the fantastic opportunity to attend the Miami University Women’s basketball game “Class at the Court” at Millett Hall dur...
Kids Voting- Informational Video
Informational Video- Kids Voting- Click HERE