District Blog
District Blog
Google - Experiencing Issues Today
Issues with Google:
TSD has been alerted that GOOGLE is experiencing technical issues this morning and may not be operating at full capacity or may even be down for periods of time. This impacts stu...
Open Interviews- January 2021
BOE Meeting December 14, 2020
The Talawanda Board of Education will host their regular monthly business meeting on Monday 12/14/20 at 7pm.
Please use the Zoom Webinar link if you are tuning in from home, AND wish to make a comm...
Travel Rules- Covid-19-12/8/20
TSD Travel Advisory Rules- Effective 12/8/2020
Effective Immediately, Talawanda School District will implement self quarantining for 14 days for any s...
CDC Updates- 12/7/20
December 7, 2020
Dear Families, Students, and Staff,
The CDC recently amended guidelines regarding quarantining and isolating people who are in direct contact and/or have COVID-19 symptoms. O...

PIZZA Day at our Elementary Schools!
Thank you to RDI for sponsoring Pizza days at Kramer, Bogan, & Marshall!
PAX Training
PAX Training- Virtual Training December 9, 2020
PAX Training
PAX Training- Virtual Training December 9, 2020
Transportation Update 12/2/20
TSD Transportation News:
It’s important to develop contingency plans during the pandemic regarding TSD Transportation Services, as we have experienced staff shortages in other areas. The prior...
Transportation Update 12/2/20
TSD Transportation News:
It’s important to develop contingency plans during the pandemic regarding TSD Transportation Services, as we have experienced staff shortages in other areas. The prior...