District Blog
District Blog
In Honor of Mike Davis- Respect Ride
FYI-To the Talawanda Community
RESPECT RIDE - In memory of Mike Davis, Talawanda School Treasurer, husband, father, grandfather, and friend who passed away unexpectedly this past weekend.
Pay y...
April 2, 2020- BOE Meeting Video Link
April 2, 2020 BOE Meeting Video Link-
Open Enrollment/Intradistrict Transfer UPDATE
BOE will meet for a brief meeting on 4/2/20
March 30, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Governor Mike DeWine announced today that schools will continue to be closed through May 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 health crisis. At that time the sit...

UPDATE- Food Program-Mondays/Fridays
TSD Food Program-Updates- Mondays & Fridays
As we maneuver through this new way of life, we want to keep you as updated as possible with our attempts to keep our...
UPDATE- Food Sites-Dates-Times for Week of March 23
Please NOTE the Updated information regarding Dates/Times/Locations of the TSD Food Distribution Program!
Please also note that families can choose any site and pick up for each of their children th...
TSD Parent Letter in Spanish
OFICINA DEL SUPERINTENDENTE __________________________________
12 de marzo de 2020- 4:55 pm
Estimado miembro del personal de Talawanda,
El gobernador de Ohio, Mike DeWine, emitió una orden hoy p...
TSD Parent Letter-COVID-19 3/12/20
March 12, 2020
Dear Talawanda Students, Families, and Community,
Talawanda School District just received word from the Butl...