Enrichment Opportunities
Elementary Programs
Destination Imagination: K-12 -This is an innovative creative problem-solving program for participants in grades K-12. Each team selects one of the seven challenges, which offers participants an opportunity to explore art, literature, drama, engineering, architecture, and improvisation. Recruitment for D.I. is in early fall. For more information on D.I., email DI@talawanda.org or visit their website.
After School World Language Program: 1-5 - Each year, Talawanda teams with Miami University to offer an after-school foreign language program. Languages offered usually include Spanish, Japanese, Italian, French, Chinese, German, and ASL. The goal of this program is to provide Talawanda students an opportunity to get a “taste” of another language and culture. This program runs 2nd semester with sign-up information in the November newsletters. For more information email fitzgeralde@talawanda.org
Earth Club - This is an after school group where students can learn more about our planet and the plants and animals that live here. Varies by building.
Middle School Programs
Math Counts: 6-8 - a nation-wide program designed to reach all students in the sixth, seventh, and eight grades, is offered each year at TMS to interested math students. Recruitment for all interested students at TMS happens in the fall. For more information regarding Math Counts, please contact the TMS office @ 273-3300.
Student Council: 6-8 - This is an after-school activity. Students are elected by their peers to serve a one-year term with this student government.
Peer Mediators: 8 - This group meets and members are trained to help teach others how to problem solve issues.
Yearbook: 6-8 - Students participating in this activity take photos, learn layout, and ultimately put together the TMS yearbook.
Destination Imagination: K-12 - see elementary listing
High School Programs
Academic Challenge Team: 9-12 - A jeopardy-like competition where a team of four players competes against other schools.
Setting Stone: 9-12 - This student run group creates the Setting Stone Liberal Arts Magazine and runs the tri-annual Setting Stone Coffee House. Members will experience hands-on magazine layout, including image and literary editing for nationally recognized award-winning publication.
Model UN: 9-12 - Ohio Model United Nations – This organization is for students who take an interest in international politics, current affairs, parliamentary procedure and the sculpting of social and governmental policy.
Key Club - THS’ community service club, partnered with Kiwanis International. For more information please see their Facebook page.
Art Club - Free time to develop your artistic abilities after school. Contact Jay Hunsche for more information; hunschej@talawanda.org
Mock Trial: 9-12 - is a program geared toward cultivating an appreciation for the law as well as helping students to develop speaking and reasoning skills.
Destination Imagination: K-12 - see elementary listing
Other Programs
Drama Club (International Thespian Society)
*** Must be enrolled in drama class
YIT (Youth Initiative Team)
FFA (Future Farmers of America)
FCCLA (Families, Careers & Community Leaders of America)
NHS (National Honor Society)
“Fermata Nowhere” A Capella Group (Coed vocal performance ensemble)
Student Government
Outside Resources
Miami University
Oxford, OH 529-1809
Youth Programs
Oxford Community Arts Center
Oxford, OH / 524-8506
Fitton Center for Creative Arts
Hamilton, OH / 863-8873
Tri-Community Center (the “Tri”)
Oxford, OH / 523-6314
Lane Library Oxford, OH / 523-7531
K-Kids / Builder’s Club/ Key Club
Camp Campbell Gard
Hamilton, OH / 867-0600
Hueston Woods State Park