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All students will be issued a school-owned 1:1 device, however students may "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) to school to be used alongside a school-issued 
1:1 device. Students are responsible for all support, maintenance, and repair of BYOD devices. 

Students will keep their school-issued 1:1 device in their possession and are expected to have it ready for use in the event that it is needed.  

Students may not use BYOD devices for standardized testing purposes. Only school-owned devices may be used for standardized testing. 

The use of BYOD devices in the classroom occurs at the discretion of each teacher. 

Network access for BYOD devices may be revoked at the discretion of the administration or Talawanda IT Department at anytime. 
Reasons for this include, but are not limited to: 

  • Inappropriate use of the Talawanda network as previously described 
  • Detection of viruses or malware 
  • Detection of an attempt to defeat the Internet filter, or detection of software for that purpose 
  • Faulty hardware or software that disrupts the normal functioning of the Talawanda network 
  • Excessive use of the network for activities unrelated to school


Students who bring their own mobile device to school are responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of his or her equipment. 
The school district will not provide any technical support for BYOD devices. 

A BYOD device should be free of objectionable material as deemed by the school administration. lf a BYOD device contains 
objectionable material, the student may be subject to disciplinary actions by the school administration.

A full elucidation of the BYOD policy can be found in the Student Technology Acceptable use Policy.

Connecting to the Internet

To connect a BYOD device to the Talawanda WiFi network, select the 'Talawanda' wireless network from the available wireless networks at school. Do not use the 'Talawanda-Guest' network. It is not secure and has extremely limited bandwidth available which is not suitable for everyday classroom use. Follow these directions for a device-specific guide.

In order to gain access to this network, a device must at a minimum support 802.11g WiFi and WPA2-Enterprise authentication. Users connecting a BYOD device should authenticate with their T-Net account.

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