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Bogan Enews 1/27/23

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Bogan Enews 1/27/23

Jan 27, 2024

Bogan E News 1/27/23

School News and Information

Happy Friday, thank you for being flexible this week.  As Dr. Theroux shares, always have a Plan B ready.  It is hard to believe that January is almost over and that we have just 4 months remaining this school year.  Students and staff continue to work hard to learn new things each day.  We are excited to see the growth of all our students.  


Dismissal Changes-reminder

Student dismissal changes should be communicated with the classroom teacher.  If there is a last minute/day of dismissal change for your student(s), calls need to be made to the office prior to 3:30 (MTRF) and 2:45 (W).  Changes after these times can not be allowed. 


Colder weather--don’t forget those coats and jackets!

The weather is turning cooler.  If you need assistance with warmer clothing items (hats, gloves, coats), please reach out to Bogan social worker, Mrs. Franks or Mrs. Merz.  We will be happy to assist you.


Also, please mark your child's names in their items.  We have a number of jackets, sweatshirts, hats and gloves in the lost and found.  If your child is missing some items, please have them check the lost and found outside the music room.  We have quite a collection of coats, hats, etc right now! 


Contacting Legislators

For those of you that attended PTG on Tuesday evening, I talked about contacting state legislators and the governor about school funding.  Holli Hansel has placed the information on the TSD website.  Please consider taking a few minutes to advocate for fair school funding for Ohio.  The state of Ohio's funding for public schools has been found unconstitutional multiple times.  I will be reaching out to our legislators and please consider taking a few moments to do the same. 


Please consider writing to our Ohio Board of Education, and other state leaders and elected officials.  Check out the talking points and letters we've shared on our district website.


Contact Information for Ohio Officials


Talking Points & Sample Letters


National and International Holidays, Monthly Recognitions, and Interfaith Religious Observances

Thank you to our Equity and Diversity Team for creating Monthly Recognitions and Interfaith Religious Observances.


Talawanda Preschool for 23-24

In order to fill the limited spaces in our preschool classrooms, typically developing children will enter the program through a lottery.  Parents interested in enrolling their children in preschool should follow the process described below.  


1) Please fill in the information below by January 31, 2023.  A lottery drawing will be held on February 7, 2023.  At this drawing, we will draw names for the available spaces in our preschool program.  After all spaces are filled, we will continue to draw names to create a waitlist for any future vacancies.


2) Once your name is drawn you will receive a phone call.  We will schedule an appointment for you to enroll and pick up the registration packet from the Nelson Morrow Building. This packet and the first month’s tuition payment will be due no later than April 28, 2023.  If we do not receive these items by this date your space will be given to the first person on the waitlist.


In February our waitlist will be wiped clean. If you have a child currently on the waitlist, you will need to fill out a new application for the 23/24 school year.


Thank you for your interest in our Preschool Program.

Preschool Application for 23/24


Girls on the Run

Bogan is bringing back the Girls on the Run program for girls in grades 3 - 5!  The team can have up to 16 girls and the online registration will run from January 30, 2023 - February 8, 2023.  Click HERE for more details.



Chromebook/IPad insurance cannot be waived.  School fees can be paid on the Talawanda website via EZPay or by sending a check to school with your child.  Please include the child’s name in the memo.  EZ Pay Link



Please make sure you have your doctor signed medication form when turning in your medications. 

School Medication Permit



If your child is going to be absent, please call the Bogan Attendance Line @ 513-273-3400 by 10:00 a.m. 

TSD Lunch Program

Student Meal Pricing

Breakfast - $1.50 

Lunch - Elementary $2.75 

Milk (Individual) - $.60

Bogan February Breakfast Menu

Bogan February Lunch Menu

EZ Pay Link


Talawanda Athletics Ticket Information

Ticket Information for Talawanda Athletics- CLICK HERE


Talawanda Community Events Page

Please use this link for the Talawanda Community Events Page.


Update from the Coalition for a Health Community


Have a great weekend!

Molly Merz



Educating and Preparing Students for Life



2022-2023 Calendar

February 3- PTG Kids Night Out 6:30-9

February 12 - PTG Family Skate at Goggin 2-3pm

February 20- No School, President’s Day

February 21- 4th Grade Concert, 7pm

February 24- 5th Grade Entrepreneur Fair

February 28- Spring Pictures

February 28- Bookmobile

March 9- Conferences

March 14- Conferences

March 21- PTG Meeting, 7pm

March 27-31- No School, Spring Break

April 4- Bookmobile, Last One

April 7- No School

April 10- No School

April 19- GRIT Expo, 6:15-7:30pm

April 20- 2023-24 Kindergarten Registration

April 21- PTG Kids Night Out, 6:30-9pm

May 2- No School, Election Day

May 4- Bogan Art Show, 6pm-7:30pm

May 11- GRIT 5th Grade Space Camp Mixer, 6-8:30pm

May 16- PTG Meeting, 7pm

May 26- Last Day of School

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