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Homecoming Parade: TBD

Homecoming Game: TBD

Homecoming Dance: TBD

Parade Sign Up: HERE

Tickets are $15 each and will go on sale TBD. You must purchase tickets through Hometown Ticketing using your student ID as the passcode. If you need a guest form, please see Ms. Gingerich in the Main Office. Once you complete and get the form approved, you can obtain a guest code.

Semi Trucks/Trailers can start lining up no earlier than 4:00pm on Sycamore St. 

Semi Trucks/Trailers please use both sides of the street when parking. 

Keep a middle lane open so small trucks and cars driving our Homecoming Court members can get through when the parade starts. 

The Band will meet and stage at West High and South College and meet the rest of the parade when they arrive. 
Parade Route: The parade begins (approximately 6pm) by heading east on Sycamore and making a right turn onto College Ave. Continuing towards town, the route takes a left onto West High St., followed by another left onto North Campus. Finally, it concludes with a left turn onto East Sycamore, leading back to Kramer Elementary.
Homecoming Parade map
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