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Student Assistance Program

S.A.P. Mission Statement: To address barriers to learning and support students in achieving their full potential.

What is S.A.P.?

  • Comprehensive K-12 program that addresses concerns for students in the areas of academics, attendance, behavior and health.

  • Comprehensive continuum of services

  • Students are referred for supports in two different ways:

    • Academics (math, reading)

    • Attendance

    • Behavior

    • Health

    • Mental Health

    • Data points are set for each of the five areas listed below.  Students that meet the criteria in an area are flagged for additional supports or interventions.

    • Individual referrals for students who did not meet the data criteria from above.

  • Student Assistance Teams in each building create action plans for specific groups of students and when necessary for individual students.


Building S.A.P. Coordinators

  • THS S.A.P. Coordinator: Ryan Barter
  • Elementary & Talawanda Middle School, contact the building Principal
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