Ohio Campaign Laws
Contact Ohio Elected Officials
Sample Letters & Talking Points
Student Services
School Social Workers
A Guide to Parent's Rights in Special Education
Parent Rights and Safeguards Under Section 504
Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities
Special Education Model Policies and Procedures
Child Find
Secondary Transition
Special Education Staff
Student Assistance Program
THS Best Buddies
Upcoming Events
Welcome Back to School
- A resource guide for parents that explains parent's rights according to IDEA and the Ohio Operating Standards. It also provides information and resources to help parents understand their child's special education supports and services.
- It is often hard to understand the difference between educational (or school based) and private therapies, often referred to as medical model therapies.
The Ohio Coalition for Education of Children with Disabilities
- A parent information network
Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
Butler County Board of Developmental Disabilities
- Resources to help Ohioans with disabilities as well as the employers and service providers who support them.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
- Information and resources for employment, independence, and the Employment First Initiative.
- A non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio.