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Letters from Dr. Theroux,
Sample Letters & Talking Points:
Letter to Community From Dr. Theroux: Ohio School Funding Model Issues
Letter from the Communications Office- Please fix school funding in Ohio
Consider writing to our Ohio Elected officials about fixing school funding in Ohio.
Provide details on how you believe the current unconstitutional funding process in Ohio is hurting your business, community, children, grandchildren, and/or Ohio students/residents.
Pick and choose talking points that fit your message (see examples below).
Customize letters detailing the problems and offering solutions tend to be read more thoroughly.
Talking Points Letter Ideas #1
Fund each student's education adequately:
- Funding was deemed unconstitutional in the DeRolph Case in 1997.
- There is an over-reliance on property taxes.
- Currently TSD is on a state guarantee ($2500 per student, without this the state would only provide $1100 per student).
- The state average cost per pupil is $11,306 (ODE Report Card 2021-22).
- Local taxpayers are increasingly upset about the funding model and the cycle of issues on the ballot for more funding.
- Levies are failing all across the state. Taxpayers are fed up!
- Why are Ohio tax dollars supporting private schools, charter schools, and voucher programs?
- How is this constitutional?
- Lack of funding is degrading Ohio school districts and destroying many important programs and services as districts make cuts to survive financially.
- The current situation has created an adversarial relationship between schools and its staff and the families and community they serve.
- STOP unfunded mandates!
Talking Points Letter Ideas #2
Fund each student's education adequately:
- TSD is an example: In all buildings: SROs, counselors, psychologists, social workers. Choice of course offerings to prepare students for military, college, career tech or work force, and employment. No Pay to Play fees. Intervention, Gifted, and STEM education to meet the needs of all students. A 96.6 four year graduation rate.
- How does a TSD student (who receives a Guarantee State Share funding of $2,500) move to a different district and receive more money? The student and his or her needs have not changed.
- A solution is a base foundational funding model where each student in Ohio will receive the same amount of money. We are proposing $9,000 per pupil based upon the state average of $11,306 per pupil operating expense (ODE Report Card 2021-22)
- Investing in our children has always been a priority for our communities and legislators. Over the past two decades Ohio (once ranked in the nation top 10) has slipped in the nation’s rankings.
- 1997 DeRolph decision stated clearly Ohio’s school funding model is unconstitutional, flawed, and provided an unequal educational opportunity to Ohio students. The over reliance on property tax is also unconstitutional.
- Our communities are only as strong as our schools.
- We will pay now or later on. The filling of jails, increased social services and welfare, retraining of adults, increased crime, floundering and failing businesses, and decreasing property values are a result of poor educational systems.
- TSD had a November 2022 levy which failed. Community members are struggling to keep up with the inflation and recessionary-like economy and can NO longer afford additional funding for their schools.
- TSD receives a Guarantee of $2,500 per pupil. When the Guarantee is removed by the state legislators, TSD will receive a little more than $1,100 per pupil. Either is NOT enough to educate a student.
- The CUPP report is another measure used with school finances. TSD receives ___ per pupil. The State Average to Operate a School District is ___ per pupil. Again, a base foundational amount should be determined and put in place. $9,000 per pupil spending is a great start.
- TSD community is expected to pay for the difference through an over reliance on property taxes.
- ALL OHIO students should receive a basic foundation cost needed to educate a student. Additional funding may be given to students who need additional services such as special education, English Language Learning, impoverished backgrounds, etc.
- TSD will cut $5.3 million over the next three years to avoid state take over (which we know does not work)
- TSD will be cutting SROs, social workers, counselors, psychologists, intervention and enrichment staff, Gifted, STEM, and instituting higher fees including a $900 per sport Pay to Play. Course selections will be reduced while classroom sizes will increase. Safety will be compromised. Unfunded mandates and cost outside of a district’s control such as inflation, rising costs, recession, price of goods, etc. are negatively impeding a school district’s ability to operate. Additional money cannot be garnered from already approved levies.
- TSD staff have agreed and have taken a 1% COLA raise in 2022-23 and 0% COLA raise in 2023-23.
- Mental Health Needs continue to grow in all districts including TSD.
- Districts are stepping up to the plate and providing support and resources to partner, engage the community, and develop the whole child
- Districts continue to change to meet the changing needs of the community, state and individual student. The same archaic funding processes cannot be used to meet these ever changing needs.
- Our legislators often focus on developing our economy and businesses. Without funding of our public schools, we are only focusing on certain communities at the expense of other communities and other Ohio students.
- We have provided a solution to a problem. We need our legislators to hear and solve this issue
- TSD NEEDS our legislators to invest in our children like we once did.